娄红,刘明欣,宋书铭,李启明,刘爱红,徐国雄,傅炳南.农村环境卫生改良对控制腹泻病的效果评价和经济效益分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1990,11(3):170-174
Effectiveness Evaluation and Cost-Effectiveness Estimate for Diarrhea Control by Enviroment Improvement in Rural Area
Received:May 17, 1988  
KeyWord: 环境卫生  集中式供水  粪便无害化处理  腹泻病控制  经济效益
English Key Word: Enviroment improvement  Central water supply  Excreta disposal  Diarrhea control  Cost-benefit analysis
Author NameAffiliation
Lou Hong Henan Sanitary and Anti-Epidemic Center 
刘明欣 长葛县卫生防疫站 
宋书铭 长葛县卫生防疫站 
李启明 长葛县卫生防疫站 
刘爱红 Henan Sanitary and Anti-Epidemic Center 
徐国雄 Henan Sanitary and Anti-Epidemic Center 
傅炳南 Henan Sanitary and Anti-Epidemic Center 
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English Abstract:
      Diarrhea diseases had been controlled by improving water supplies and excreta disposal facility in Changge coun tv.Henan.In 1983, the morbidity rate of diarrhea was 48^ in trial village.After central water supply was established in 1986, the rate was decreased to 28.2%, and was further reduced to 11.08% by both improvement of water supplies toilets. In comparison with 1983, the reduction of the rale was 76.9%. The results stowed that the two measures had a great impact on reduction of patien ts with diarrhea during the peak period from June to Oct.The patients below age four were three fourth reduced by improved water supply only.In comparison with control village, the morbidity rates of all age groups were reduced 54~79% by both improvement of water supplies and toilets. But there Was no significant difference in the distribution of the pathogens. Both measures cost 46 Yuan per capita.The annual benefit of 23.5 Yuan per capita was obtained from reducing the diseases and saving working force and fertilizer.It was estimated that the total costs will be paied in 2 years and cost-benefit ratio will be 4.4 after 2 years.
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