山东省部分地区脊髓灰质炎监测与控制协作组.山东省临朐、禹城两县儿童脊髓灰质炎中和抗体水平调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1991,12(3):146-149
A Seroepidemiological Survey of Neutralization Antibodies to Polioviruses in Linqu and Yucheng Counties of Shandong Province, China
Received:March 05, 1990  Revised:March 25, 1990
KeyWord: 脊髓灰质炎病毒  中和抗体
English Key Word: Polioviruses  Neutralization Antibodies
Author NameAffiliation
Zhang Rongzhen and Shandong Collaboration Group of Poliomyelitis, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Beijing, etc  
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English Abstract:
      Two hundred and fifty two serum samples from Linqu county and 249 serum samples from Yucheng county, in Shandong province, China, were collected among the age group of 0~, 1~, 2~, 3~ and 5~9 years old and assayed by microneutralization test in 1989. The results showed that the positive rates (PRs) and geometric mean titres (GMTs) of antibodies to poliovirus type 1~3 in Linqu county were 82.54%、80.56%、82.94% and 27.06、22.94、24.24, respectively, and much significantly higher than those, in Yucheng county(84.34%、51.81%、59.04% and 16.78、2.79、3.40) except the PR to type1. for children in both counties, the PRs and GMTs were highest in the age group of 2~4 years old, and no significant difference was found between male and female. All above indicated that EPI was helpful for improving immune status of children, the coverage of TOPV and quality of vaccination should still be emphasized in future EPI works.
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