胡毅玲,耿贯一,武光林,李志尊.天津市部分女性高血压危险因素的探讨[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1991,12(4):197-199
A Case-control Study on Risk Factors of Female Hypertension in Tianjin City
Received:June 11, 1989  Revised:August 04, 1989
KeyWord: 高血压  危险因素
English Key Word: Hypertension  Risk factors
Author NameAffiliation
Hu Yiling Department of Epidemiology, Tianjin Medical College, Tianjin 
耿贯一 Department of Epidemiology, Tianjin Medical College, Tianjin 
武光林 Department of Epidemiology, Tianjin Medical College, Tianjin 
李志尊 天津市河东区沈庄子卫生院 
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      对天津市河东区居民中301例女性原发性高血压病人进行了1:1配对病例对照研究。经条件Logistic回归模型分析,与高血压有关的危险因素是:体重(OR=1.17,95% CI:1.12~1.23),高血压家族史(OR=2.18,95% CI:1.49~3.21),人均收入(OR=0.73,95% CI:0.56~0.94),心率(OR=2.30,95% CI:1.41~3.76),初潮年龄(OR=0.90,95% CI:0.82~0.99)。经体重的混杂调整后,除初潮年龄外其他因素的OR值仍有统计学显著性意义。未发现绝经年龄、产次、初产年龄、服避孕药史和吸烟与高血压有关。
English Abstract:
      A pair matched case-control study was conducted in 301 pairs female patients with essential hypertension and their controls. The data was analysed by the multiple conditional Logistic regression.The results showed the risk factors associated with hypertension were:body weight (OR=1.17, 95%CI:1.12-1.23), the family history of hypertension (OR=2.18, 95%CI, 1.49-3.21) the family income (OR=0.73, 95%CI, 0.56-0.94), heart rate (OR=2.30, 95%CI:1.41-3.76). OR for the age of menarche was significantly different before and after being adiusted by body weight.There were no relationship between the age of menopause, the age of the first birth, parities, oral contraceptive use or smoking status and hypertension.The paper suggested that the difference of prevalence of hypertension in male and female over 45 years old cannot be explained by menopause or the factors on birth in women.
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