朱凤才,王福彭,温维民,王睿,齐淑贞.芜湖地区儿童隐孢子虫病调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1991,12(5):286-288
Cryptosporidiosis in Children in Wuhu
Received:January 19, 1990  Revised:April 25, 1990
KeyWord: 隐孢子虫病  隐孢子虫  调查
English Key Word: Cryptosporidiosis  Cryptosporidium  Survey
Author NameAffiliation
Zhu Fengcai Department of Epidemiology, Nanjing Railway Medical College 
王福彭 Department of Epidemiology, Nanjing Railway Medical College 
温维民 芜湖市卫生防疫站 
王睿 芜湖市卫生防疫站 
齐淑贞 芜湖市卫生防疫站 
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      1989年5月~9月,对安徽省芜湖市五所医院儿科就诊的腹泻患儿进行隐孢子虫病调查。粪检腹泻患儿3 498人,卵囊检出率1.9%。男女检出率无差异;6个月内的患儿中未检出卵囊阳性者;86.2%的卵囊阳性者分布于7个月~4岁年龄段;乡村患儿的卵囊检出率2倍于城市患儿;病例呈高度散发状态;卵囊检出率从6月下旬开始上升,在本调查中,92.5%的病例分布于6月下旬~9月。所见病例,从临床表现到大便性状均无特殊,且均呈自限性,病程似较文献报道者为短。
English Abstract:
      From May to September 1989, a survey was carried out on the prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in the outpatients with diarrhea from paediatric department of five hospitals in Wuhu, Anhui Province. Cryptosporidium oocysts were identified in stool specimens from 67 of 3 498 outpatients (1.9%). No difference was found between the prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in males and that in females. No Cryptosporidium oocysts was identified in stool specimens from infants under 6-month-old. 86.2% of the cases were distributed in the age range from 7-month-old to 4-year-old.The prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in rural outpatients was two fold of that in urban outpatients. The occurrence of cases was highly sporadic. The prevalence began to rise from the last third of June.In our survey, 92.5% of the cases was distributed in the time range from the last third of June to September. In all of the cases no unique characteristic was found in clinical manifes tations and stool appearance, and symptoms were resolved spontaneously. The duration of symptoms seems shorter than documented.
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