郭强,薛广波,郑惠民,居喜娟,万嘉珍,汪无及,徐忠,姜国鑫,陈俊宁,胡大萌,张玉光.15 827例中老年城市居民体质指数与全死因关系的前瞻性研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1994,15(4):199-202 |
15 827例中老年城市居民体质指数与全死因关系的前瞻性研究 |
A Prospective Study on the Relationship between Body Mass Index and Mortality from All Causes in 15 827 Middle Aged and Elderly Citizens |
Received:June 18, 1993 Revised:August 27, 1993 |
DOI: |
KeyWord: 体质指数 死亡率 前瞻性研究 回归分析 |
English Key Word: Body mass index Mortality Prospective study Regression analysis |
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Abstract: |
以上海市区35岁以上居民为研究对象,开展了体质指数(Body Mass Index,BMI)与全死因死亡率关系的前瞻性研究。经3年随访观察,男子组人年死亡率为1311.78/10万;女子组为1036.87/10万。COX回归分析表明:BMI与全死因死亡率的关系在BMI中等偏低的男女队列中呈显著的负相关;在中等偏高的女子队列中呈显著的正相关;而在中等偏高的男子队列中相关不显著。进一步经Logistic回归分析发现:死亡率随BMI的变化呈"L"型曲线分布,男女队列中死亡率或相对危险度随BMI的变化服从Y=a-bX+cX2的二次曲线分布。 |
English Abstract: |
The association between Body Mass Index (BMI) and mortality from all causes was investigated in a cohort study of 15827 citizens (aged 35 and over) in Shanghai. During about 3-year follow up the person-year mortality for men and women were 1311.78/100000 and 1036.87/100000, respectively. Cox regression analysis was conducted in a lower and an upper range of BMI, respectively. The inverse association between BMI and mortality in the lower range was statistically significant for men and women. The positive association between BMI and mortality in the upper range was highly statistically significant for women but not for men. Logistic regression analysis conducted over the entire range of BMI showed that BMI and all-cause mortality association was significantly "L"-shaped distribution for men and women. The mortality or relative harzard curve can be fit with quadratic model (Y=a-bX+cX2) in different sex. |
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