廖利民,石炳毅,梁春泉,庄玉辉,沈荣森.PCR技术检测尿中人巨细胞病毒的方法学研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1995,16(2):111-113
Detection of Human Cytomegalovirus in Urine by Polymerase Chain Reaction
Received:May 16, 1994  Revised:August 16, 1994
KeyWord: 巨细胞病毒  肾移植  聚合酶链反应
English Key Word: HCMV  Renal transplantation  PCR
Author NameAffiliation
Liao Li-min Dept. of Urology, The Beijing 309 th Hospital, Beijing 100091 
Shi Bing-yi Dept. of Urology, The Beijing 309 th Hospital, Beijing 100091 
Liang Chun-quan Dept. of Urology, The Beijing 309 th Hospital, Beijing 100091 
庄玉辉 中国人民解放军结核病研究中心 
沈荣森 中国人民解放军军事医学科学院二所PCR实验室 
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English Abstract:
      Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was set up with double primer pairs of major immediateearly and late gene in order to detect human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) from urine. This method was applied to the detection of HCMV in clinical samples of urine from renal transplant recipients. The result indicated that the primers did not cross react with other members of the herpes family of virus and human genomic DNA; that the HCMV AD169 tissue culture mixture used and the dilutions to estimate the sensitivity of PCR relative to tissue culture, 2.5μl of a 10-3 dilution of the culture (625fg HCMV DNA) assayed were detected by direct gel analysis; that 25 of 30 samples of urine from the renal transplant recipients (serum HCMV IgM positive) were positive. It is conclude that PCR amplification is a valuable tool for diagnoses of HCMV infection in renal transplant recipients.
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