焦淑芳,郭鼐,姚汝琳.煤矿工人实际接尘工龄及脱尘率变动趋势分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1996,17(6):340-342
Analysis on The Tendency of Practical Dust Exposure Year and The Out-of-dust Rate among Coalminers
Received:March 05, 1996  Revised:April 16, 1996
KeyWord: 煤矿工人  接尘工龄  脱尘率
English Key Word: Coalminers  Dust exposure year  Out-of-dust rate
Author NameAffiliation
Jiao Shu-fang Beijing Municipal Sanitation and Disease Prevention Center, 100013 
Guo Nai 山西医学院劳卫教研室 
Yao Ru-lin 山西医学院劳卫教研室 
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English Abstract:
      It is important to study the practical dust exposure year and out-of-dust rate for the evaluation of dust level and to predict pneumoconiosis incidence in coal miners. A Retrospective Cohort Study was carried out on the calculation of practical dust exposure year and the out-of-dust rate among coal miners employed during 1958-1988 in a mine. The results showed that job variety had a strong effect on dust exposure year and that out-of-dust rate beared relationship to the years of employment. It can be estimated that.the percentage of coalminers who were employed in 1975-1979 with dust exposure year reached 20 years would be less than 30%, and that those being employed after 1980 would be even lesser.
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