韩存芝,梁小波,荆洁线,江波,赵先文,郭晋纲,李跃平,白文启.微量元素与直肠癌关系的分析及意义[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1999,20(3):166-169
Study on the association and significance between trace elements and rectal cancer
Received:March 16, 1999  Revised:March 22, 1999
KeyWord: 直肠癌  微量元素
English Key Word: Rectal cancer  Trace element
Author NameAffiliation
HAN Cunzhi Dept. of Aetiology, Shanxi Cancer Institute, Taiyuan 030013 
LIANG Xiaobo 山西省肿瘤医院肛肠外科 
JING Jiexian Dept. of Aetiology, Shanxi Cancer Institute, Taiyuan 030013 
江波 山西省肿瘤医院肛肠外科 
赵先文 Dept. of Aetiology, Shanxi Cancer Institute, Taiyuan 030013 
郭晋纲 Dept. of Aetiology, Shanxi Cancer Institute, Taiyuan 030013 
李跃平 山西省肿瘤医院肛肠外科 
白文启 山西省肿瘤医院肛肠外科 
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English Abstract:
      Objective To study the association between the levels of trace elements and cause of rectal cancer. Methods Cancer tissue, normal tissue, serum levels of Zinc、Copper 、Iron、M anganese、Calcium、Chr omium and Cadmium and Cu/ Zn ratio were determined by atomic absor ption spectrophotometry in 60 pat ients w ith r ectal cancer and in 60 healthy subjects. Results The results of single-variabe analysis showed in serum and malig nant tissue of patients with rectal cancer of Copper、Cadmium levels and Cu/ Zn ratio were sig nificantly higher and Zinc、M anganese、Calcium、Chromium were significantly lower than normal tissue and serum of healthy subjects ( P < 0. 05、P < 0. 001) . The results also showed that Copper level and Cu/ Zn ratio were significantly higher and Zinc level was significantly lower in fung at ing form than ulceration for m cancer tissue( both P v alues < 0. 01) . Multivar iable logistic regression analysis showed that the Odd Ratio ( OR) and 95% Confidence Iimits ( CI) of Copper、Zinc、M anganese and Calcium in serum were 29. 44( 4. 1748-207. 6228) 、0. 0960( 0. 0162-0. 5679) 、0. 0426 ( 0. 0028 -59. 7126 ) and 0. 9646 ( 0. 9354 -0. 9947) r espectiv ely. The OR and 95% CI of Zinc in tissue were 0. 3051 and 0. 1549-0. 6211 respectively. Conclusions Our results indicated that Copper mig ht serve as a risk factor while Zinc、Calcium and M ang anese w ere protective factors to the cause of rectal cancer.
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