刘静波,张幼辰,俞顺章.血管紧张素原基因多态性与原发性高血压关系的研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2000,21(6):407-409
The relationship between polymorphism of angiotensinogen gene and essential hypertension
Received:May 05, 2000  
KeyWord: 高血压  血管紧张素原基因
English Key Word: Hy pertension  Angiotensinogen gene
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Jingbo The Institute of Preventive Medicine, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai 200032, China 
ZHANG Youchen The Institute of Preventive Medicine, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai 200032, China 
YU Shunzhang The Institute of Preventive Medicine, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai 200032, China 
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      目的 探索血管紧张素原 (AGT)的M235T多态性与上海市嘉定区望新乡原发性高血压的关系。方法 以人群为基础进行高血压病例 -对照研究,应用PCR RFLP技术,分析AGT的M2 35T多态性。结果 望新乡高血压病例组中AGT基因TT基因型频率显著高于对照组,分别为42.8%和 33.0%。相对于MM基因型,暴露于TT基因型的OR值为3.61。病例组中T等位基因的频率也显著高于对照组,分别为 73.89%和 6 0.31%,随着等位基因T的增加,患高血压的危险性显著增加,趋势检验P<0.05。病例组中体质指数按MM、MT、TT基因型的顺序依次增大,各组差异有显著性。结论 TT基因型可能是望新乡原发性高血压的易感基因型
English Abstract:
      Objective To study the renin-angiotensin system (RAS)involvement in the hormonal regulation of BP and blood volume and the relationship between angiotensinog en (AGT)was the sole preliminary acting materials in the RAS.Method Population-based case-control study was conducted using PCR-RFLP techniques to explore the relationship between the M235T polymorphism of AGT and EH inWang xin township, Jiading District of Shang hai.Results The frequency of T T geno ty pe in EH cases w as significantly hig her than in controls (42.8 % and 33.0%).The odds ra tio (OR)for those exposed to TT genotype w as 3.61,comparing with MM geno type.It was suggested that TT geno ty pe be the susceptible genotype o f EH in Wang xin.The frequency of allele T in EH cases was 73.89%, significantly higher than that of 60.31% in co ntrols.With the increase of allele T, the risk of EH also increased (P <0.05).InEH cases, the BMI increased in the order of MM, MT and TT, and significant differences between the groups were observed.Conclusion TT genotype is the susceptible genotype of EH in Wangxin.
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