王鑫,徐彦霞,赵宝珍.羊种布鲁氏菌心内膜炎一例[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2003,24(4):303
One kind of brucella endocarditis sheep
Received:November 08, 2002  
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Author NameAffiliation
Wang Xin 050000, shijiazhuang, hebei medical university second hospital clinical laboratory 
Xu Yanxia fucheng county hospital clinical laboratory 
Zhao Baozhen 050000, shijiazhuang, hebei medical university second hospital clinical laboratory 
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      患者男性,40岁,农民.一年前牧羊数月后,关节、肌肉反复酸痛,间断发热.2002年10月14日因高热(39.5℃)、胸闷、气短、全身乏力、加重时不能平卧入我院心内科.入院时查体,心率:110次/min;口唇紫绀、杵状指,甲床苍白;叩诊心界向两侧扩大,心尖区闻及舒张期奔马律,主动脉第二听诊可闻及双期杂音;心脏超声显示:主动脉狭窄和中重度主动脉瓣畸形;主动脉和二尖瓣可疑赘生物,提示感染性心内膜炎.3次血培养分离出羊种布鲁氏菌.本例患者有先天性动脉瓣畸形,并有羊接触史,波浪式热型,布鲁氏菌诊断血清效价1∶1 600.
English Abstract:
      Male patients, 40, farmer. Sheep after a few months a year ago, joint and muscle soreness, repeatedly intermittent fever. On October 14, 2002, due to the high fever (39.5 ℃), chest tightness, shortness of breath, fatigue, increase cannot lay down into our heart medicine. On physical examination, the heart rate: 110 times/min;Oral violet purple, clubbing, nail bed pale;Percussion heart bounded on both sides to expand, and diastolic gallop, apex area at the aortic second auscultation audible and double phase noise;Echocardiogram showed that aortic stenosis and moderately severe aortic malformation;Aortic and mitral valve suspicious vegetations, hints of infective endocarditis. 3 blood cultures of brucella isolated sheep. The patients with congenital artery flap of deformity, and contact with sheep, heat wave type, brucella diagnostic serum titer of 1:1, 600.
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