王诚,敦哲,詹思延,孙培源,刘彦,曹广文,秦安莉,董淑兰,王炳才.北京市海淀区403例传染性非典型肺炎的流行病学分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2003,24(7):561-564
Epidemiological characteristics of 403 patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome in Haidian district,Bejing
Received:June 16, 2003  
KeyWord: 严重急性呼吸综合征  流行病学
English Key Word: Severe acute respiratory syndrome  Epidemiology
Author NameAffiliation
Wang Cheng Haidian Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100086 
Dun Zhe Haidian Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100086 
Zhan Siyan Haidian Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100086 
Sun Peiyuan Haidian Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100086 
Liu Yan Haidian Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100086 
Cao Guangwen Haidian Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100086 
Qin Anli China Corresponding author:ZHAN Si yan 
Dong Shulan Department of Epidemiology and Statistics 
Wang Bingcai School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing 100083 
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      目的 分析北京市海淀区常住人口传染性非典型肺炎 [严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS) ]的流行病学特征.方法 对海淀区常住人口中发生的SARS病例进行个案调查和描述性分析.结果2003年3月18日至5月31日,海淀区常住人口中共发生SARS病例403例,发病率约为18.010万,死亡27例,病死率为6.7%.患者中青壮年占70.4%,尤以20~29岁组高发.全区除一个乡外均受累,多以散发为主,只有3个街道呈现明显的家庭或学校内爆发.流行基本可以划分为初始增长期(27天)、高峰期(21天)和快速下降期(26天).患者中有密切接触史的比例随各期呈递减趋势(趋势χ2 =8.800,P =0.003);初期接触地点主要在医院(72.7%),而迅速下降期则以家中接触为主(85.7%);各期的职业构成谱也明显不同(χ2 =36.41,P<0.01).无明确接触史的患者中26.6%有外出史,其中又有47.6%是去医院,并且65%在流行的高峰期光顾医院.结论 海淀区常住人口SARS流行强度与全市持平,医院内获得感染是SARS流行的主要原因.
English Abstract:
      Objective To analyze epidemiological features of severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS) in Haidian district Beijing. Methods Each SARS case was interviewed by trained investigator using standardized questionnaire followed a descriptive an-alysis. Re-sults Four hundren and three SARS cases were identified and 27 of them died from March 18 and May 31,2003. The inci-dence rate of SARS was 18.0/100000 with case fatality rate as 6.7% in Haidian district Beijing. Seventy-four percent of patients were adults with higher risk in age group of 20-29 year. SARS patients were scattered around in 32 out of 33 streets and villages in this district. The disease appeared to be sporadic but the case of outbreaks in family or university only seen in three streets. The course of SARS epide-mic in this district could be divided into three phases: initial-which last for days peak-21 days and then rapid dec-line-for 26 day-s.Number of patients having had a history of close contact to other SARS were gradually decreasing along with the pr-ocess of the ep-idemics(trend χ2=8.800 Y=0.003).Seventy-two point seven percent of the SARS cases had been exposed to the injection in the hospital settings. When the epidemics came to a rapid declim 85.7% of the patients diagonosed during that period could be trac-ed down to have had the history of contacting SARS cases within their own families. The distribution of occupation was also showed signif-icantly different in the three respective stages(χ2=36.41,P<0.01).Among the patients who could not be identified as having co-nfirmed contact history 26. 6%having had outward activities and 47.6%of them visited hospitals especially during the peakstage. Conclusion The intensity of SARS epidemic among the residents of Haidian district was recognized as similar to the other parts of Beijing. Nosocomial infection in hospital settings was most important cause responsible for the transmission of SARS in this district.
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