谭现花,王束玫,薛南青,滕文涛,冯月秋.帕金森病的危险因素及其交互作用研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2004,25(6):527-529,530
Study on the risk factors and its interaction on Parkinson disease
Received:July 10, 2003  
KeyWord: 帕金森病  病例对照研究  危险因素  交互作用  遗传度
English Key Word: Parkinson disease  Case-control study  Risk factor  Interaction  Heritability
Author NameAffiliation
TAN Xian-hua Shandong Sport Research Center,Jinan 250002,China 
WANG Shu-mei 山东大学流行病与卫生统计研究所 
XUE Nan-qing 山东大学研究生院 
TENG Wen-tao 山东正大福瑞达制药有限公司 
FENG Yue-qiu 山东大学流行病与卫生统计研究所 
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      目的 探讨帕金森病(PD)的危险因素、PD家族史与其他危险因素间的交互作用以及遗传因素对PD易患性的相对作用。方法 选取齐鲁医院就诊的157例PD患者及157例对照作1:1配对病例对照研究。结果 条件logistic回归分析结果显示:PD家族史、脑力劳动、杀虫剂、饮酒、抑郁史与PD有正关联,吸烟与PD有负关联。分析PD家族史与杀虫剂、饮酒、抑郁史之间的交互作用,其归因交互效应百分比AP(AB)依次为55.2%、34.0%和41.4%,超相对危险比RERI依次为8.96、3.31和7.85。PD患者一级亲属的遗传度为36.86%±5.76%,二级亲属的遗传度为20.66%±6.81%。结论 家族史与其他危险因素共存时对PD表现为正相加模型交互作用。遗传因素在PD发病中所起作用小于环境因素。
English Abstract:
      Objective To explore the risk factors of Parkinson disease (PD),interaction between family history of PD and other risk factors, as well as the relative strength of genetic factors over the vulnerability of PD.Methods One 1:1 matched case-control study including 157 pairs of cases and controls was conducted in Qilu Hospital of Shandong University.Results Condriditional logistic regression analysis showed that family history of PD,mental labor,insecticide,alcohol drinking and history of depression all had positive relationship,while smoking had a negative relationship with PD.The AP(AB)s of family history of PD and insecticide,alcohol drinking,history of depression were 55.2%,34.0%,41.4% and the RERI_s were 8.96,3.31,7.85 respectively.The heritability of PD patients' first degree relatives was 36.86%±5.76%, and second degree relatives was 20.66% ± 6.81%.Conclusion Family history of PD had an additive model synergism on PD,coexisting with other risk factors.Genetic factors had a smaller action on PD than environmental factors.
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