张荣莲,陈烈平,陈起燕,王秀云,张丽萍,修晓燕,赵秀艳.339例妊娠期梅毒母婴传播的干预研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2006,27(10):901-904
An intervention study on preventing maternal-fetal transmission of syphilis during pregnancy
Received:February 13, 2006  
KeyWord: 梅毒  母婴传播  干预
English Key Word: Syphilis  Maternal-fetal transmission  Intervention
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Ronglian 福建省妇幼保健院 
CHEN Lieping 福建省血液中心 
CHEN Qiyan 福建省妇幼保健院 
WANG Xiuyun 福建省福安市妇幼保健院 
ZHANG Liping 福建省霞浦县妇幼保健院 
XIU Xiaoyan 福建省妇幼保健院 
ZHAO Xiuyan 福建省妇幼保健院 
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English Abstract:
      Objective To study the prevalence and principal rules of women with syphilis during pregnancy and to develop relative methods to prevent maternal-fetal transmission. Methods A nested case control study on epidemiologic research was used based on review and preview methods on prevention and cure. Targeting pregnant women with syphilis diagnosed during premarital or pregnancy stages and were identified through rapid plasma reagin test (RPR) but confirmed by treponema pallidum test (TP),a total number of 339 women receiving treatment, intervention and being followed throughout the pregnant and neonatal periods. Results The prevalence of syphilis in pregnancy was 2.33%, and the positive rate in neonatal cord blood was closely associated with the opportunity of getting maternal treatment. The lowest RPR positive rate was among these women who got pregnant after receiving the treatment. The RPR positive rate of neonatal cord blood was positively relative to the mother's RPR titer. The higher was the mother's blood RPR titer, the worse the prenatal prognosis would turn to. Conclusion Mother's blood RPR titer and the opportunity of getting treatment were strongly associated with the positive rate in neonatal cord blood. Pregnancy after receiving the treatment was a powerful measure to prevent the maternal-fetal transmission of syphilis.
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