冯剑辉,黄绍宽.一起养老院诺瓦克样病毒胃肠炎暴发的调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2009,30(7):675
Relationship beteen deliberate self-harm and suicidal behaviors in college students
Received:February 13, 2009  
KeyWord: 自伤|自杀|大学生
English Key Word: Self-harm|Suicide|College student
Author NameAffiliation
冯剑辉 5105451 州市白云区红十字会医院 
黄绍宽 广州市老人院 
Hits: 3012
Download times: 1119
      诺瓦克样病毒是急性胃肠炎的主要病原之一,全年均可发病,但冬季较多,一般在学校、家庭、托幼机构、养老院等人群容易出现暴发。2008年1月22 Et至2月2日广州市一家养老院发生一起诺瓦克样病毒引起的胃肠炎疫情。
English Abstract:
      Objective To describe the prevalence ofdeliberate self-harm(DSH)and suicidalbehaviors(SIB)as well as the relationship between them in a college student population.Methods A total of 4063 medical students were selected under the cluster sampling method in Anhui province.Data were analyzed by Pearson Chi—square and logistic regression.Results A total of4063(13.4%)students reported that they had deliberately harmed themselves during the past 12 months.The acts of DSH with 1 and more than or equal to2 times occurence ac+M4counted for3.7%and9.6%among all the respondents.The act of DSH was significantly higher among boys than that among girls.Rates of suicide ideation.suicide plan,attempted suicide and SIB in the last 4. 5%,1.4%.0.6 and4. 9%,respectively.However no statistically significant dilyerence was found in different sex.Students in the DSH groupnlat with SIB were found to have lower positive coping levels(OR=O.5,95%C/:0.3—0.8).getting less support from frithds(3-5 vs.1ess than or equal to 2:OR=O.6,95%c,:0.3—0.9;more than or equal to 6∞.1ess than or equal to 2:OR=O.4,95%C,:0.2-0.8).with highor negative coping levels(OR=2,1,95%CI:1.2—3.7),having more serious depressive symptoms(OR=2. 9,95%c,:1.6—5. 2)and anxiety symptoms(OR=2. 2. 95%CI:1.2—3.8).having more serious sleeping problems(OR=1.7. 95%C,:1.1—2. 8)and perceived fat(fat.moderate:OR=2. 0,95%CI:1.1—3.6)than the DSH group without SIB.The rates of SIB in students with DSH behavior were significantly higher than those in students without those behaviors(OR---4. 7,95%C/:3.5—6.4).Psyehosocial variables could attenuate the relationship between the DSH status and suicidal events (OR=3.3.95%CI:2. 4—4. 5).The DSH frequency exhibited a curvilinear relationship to SIB(OR=3.1一lO.0)and psychosocial variables also attenuated this relationship(OR=2. 4—5. 9).ConclusionIt was well known that SIB was not a suicidal gesture but our findings suggested that the presence of DSH might trigger the suicidal attempts.
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