廖佩花,秦江梅,曾同霞,李锋,蔡金凤,何玲.HPV 16E6、HLA-DR9与新疆哈萨克族人群食管癌交互作用的1:2病例对照研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2009,30(9):951-954
HPV 16E6、HLA-DR9与新疆哈萨克族人群食管癌交互作用的1:2病例对照研究
A 1:2 matehed case-controI study on the interaction of HPVl6E6 and HLA-DR9 allele toesophageal cancer in Kazakh ethnicity,Xinjiang
Received:February 27, 2009  Revised:August 17, 2007
KeyWord: 食管癌  人乳头瘤病毒  人类白细胞抗原  病例对照研究  哈萨克族
English Key Word: Esophageal callcer  Human papillomavirus  Human leukocyte antigen  Casecontrol study  Kazakh
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
LIA0 Peihua Laboratory of Xinjinng Endemic and Ethnic Diseases, Shihezi Unversity, Shihezi 832002, China  
QIN Jiangmei Laboratory of Xinjinng Endemic and Ethnic Diseases, Shihezi Unversity, Shihezi 832002, China qinjiangmei@yahoo.com.cn 
ZENG Tongxia Laboratory of Xinjinng Endemic and Ethnic Diseases, Shihezi Unversity, Shihezi 832002, China  
LI Feng Laboratory of Xinjinng Endemic and Ethnic Diseases, Shihezi Unversity, Shihezi 832002, China  
CAI Jinfeng Laboratory of Xinjinng Endemic and Ethnic Diseases, Shihezi Unversity, Shihezi 832002, China  
HE Ling Laboratory of Xinjinng Endemic and Ethnic Diseases, Shihezi Unversity, Shihezi 832002, China  
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English Abstract:
      objective To evaluate the role and the association between HPVl6E6 infectionand HLA.DR9 immune.associated gene to esophageal cancer(EC)in Kazakh of Xiniiang.China.Methods A l:2 matched case·control study Was conducted witll 63 cases of EC and 126 controls involved.The controls were matched by sex.nationality。area of residence and age within 5一year difference.HPVl6E6 and HLA-DR9 allele were identified by PCR.SSP.Interaction Was performed to identify risk factors.Results HPVl6E6 infection and HLA.DR9 allele positive status were the risk factors for EC.witll DR values as 2.67(95%C/:1.38-5.17)and 3.83(95%C/:1.48-9.96)respectively. The rate of HPVl 6E6 infection in individuals with HLA-DR9 allele Was different from the ones who were HLA.DR9 allele free(3(2=7.57,P=0.006),witll f)R value as 5.79(95%C7:1.53-21.87).In the controls.the rates of HPVl6E6 infection were 22.2%and 16.2%among individuals with HLA-DR9 allele atatus as positive or negative,and without statistically significant difference.Interaction analysis showed there Was all interaction of HPVl6E6 wi吐l HLA-DR9 and were higher than the sum of the two factors presented individually.Conclusion In our study.we found that the HLA.DR9 allele and HPVl6E6 infection had a function of synergy in the process of malignant transformation of esophageal epithelial cells,and iointly promoting the occurrence and development of EC.
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