陈嵘,陈功,宋新明,张蕾,郑晓瑛.中国少数民族残疾人的现况调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2010,31(5):538-543
Epidemiological study on disabilities among ethnic minorities in China
Received:November 13, 2009  
KeyWord: 残疾  少数民族  现况调查
English Key Word: Disability  Ethnic minority  Cross-sectional study
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
CHEN Rong Institute of Population Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China  
CHEN Gong Institute of Population Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China  
SONG Xin-ming Institute of Population Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China  
ZHANG Lei Institute of Population Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China  
ZHENG Xiao-ying Institute of Population Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China xzheng@pku.edu.Cn 
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      目的 了解中国少数民族人13残疾现患率的流行特征。方法 以全国为总体,自治区、直辖市为次总体,利用多阶段分层整群概率比例抽样方法抽取2526145人,其中少数民族297 761人,由专业医生进行残疾相关问题询问、诊断和残疾等级评定。结果 中国少数民族和汉族人口残疾现患率分别为6.24%(95%CI:6.16%~6.51%)和6.41%(95%CI:6.38%~6.51%)。少数民族和汉族人口标化残疾现患率为7.04%和5.98%,少数民族高于汉族。少数民族人口标化残疾率男性高于女性(7.31%vs.6.75%)。少数民族人口肢体残疾现患率水平最高,为1.90%(95%C1:1.89%~1.91%),其次是听力残疾1.34%(95%CI:1.33%~1.35%)、多重残疾1.14%(95%CI:1.13%~1.15%)、视力残疾0.99%(95%CI:0.97%~1.01%)、精神残疾0.38%(95%CI:0.37%~0.40%)、智力残疾0.38%(95%CI:O.37%~O.39%)、言语残疾O.12%(95%CI:0.11%~0.13%)。遗传、中耳炎、脑瘫、脑疾病(除去原因不明)、智力低下(除去原因不明)是少数民族儿童视力、听力、肢体、智力和言语残疾发生最重要的致残原因。老年性自内障、老年性耳聋、骨关节病、脑血管病和脑梗死是导致少数民族老年人口五类残疾的最重要原因。白内障、中耳炎(除去原因不明)、其他外伤、脑疾病(除去原因不明)是少数民族劳动年龄人口残疾最重要因素。中耳炎造成的儿童听力残疾和不良社会文化因素造成的智力残疾仍然是少数民族人口主要致残因素,其他主要致残因素及其顺位与汉族残疾人口相类似。结论 少数民族人口残疾现患率高于汉族人口,在不同年龄阶段,应针对主要致残因素预防和降低少数民族人群的残疾发生。
English Abstract:
      Objective To explore the prevalence rates of disabilities among the ethnic minority people in China.Methods Utilizing stratified,multiphase,and cluster probability sampling design,2 526 145 persons were investigated and screened by trained interviewers,including 297 761 persons with ethnic minority backgrounds.Respondents scoring positive for potential problems were referred to physician for further diagnosis on disability and on scale measurement.Results The overall prevalence rate of disability for both ethnic minority and Han population were 6.24% (95%CI:6.16%-6.51%)and 6.41%(95%CI:6.38%-6.51%)respectively.The total aggregate age-adjusted prevalence rate of disability was 7.31% for persons with ethnic minority.The prevalence rate of disabilities in male was significantly higher than that in females (7.31%vs.6.75%).The ranking of prevalence rates on different type of disabilities were:physical disability 1.90% (95%C1:1.89%一1.91 %),hearing disability 1.34%(95%CI:1.33%-1.35%),multiple disability 1.14%(95%CI:1.13%-1.15%),vision disability 0.99%(95%CI:0.97%-1.01%),psychiatric disability 0.38%(95%CI:0.37%-0.40%),intellectual disability 0.38% (0.37%-0.39%)and speech disability 0.12% (0.11%-0.13)Cerebral Palsy,genetic diseases,tympanitis,cerebral disease and mental retardation (not including unknown items) were the major causes for disabled children with ethnicity background.Degenerated diseases,including osteoarthropathy,cerebrovascular disease,elderly-related deafness or cataract were most important causes for ethnic minority persons aged 60 or over.Injury,including traffic accident was important disabled-related factor for persons with minority ethnicity aged 15-59.The main causes and ranking of causes for ethnical minority were similar with that for Han population.Conclusion The prevalence rate of disability for ethnic minority persons was significantly higher than that for Han population in China.Prevention for different types of disability should be provided accordingly to persons with ethnic minority,in different age groups.
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