李刚,李斌,林琳,张茂棠,刘渠,黄薇,谢显清,陈林,张顺祥.一起蓄意投放亚硝酸盐引发中毒事件的现场流行病学调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2013,34(4):371-373
A nitrite poisoning event associated with intentional chemical releases
Received:November 13, 2012  
KeyWord: 亚硝酸盐  食物中毒  现场流行病学  刑事侦察
English Key Word: Nitrite  Food poisoning  Field epidemiology  Criminal investigation
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
LI Gang  ligan91223@vip.sina.conl 
LI Bin   
LIN Lin   
ZHANG Mao-tang   
LIU Qu   
HUANG Wei   
XIE Xian-qing   
CHEN Lin   
ZHANG Shun-xiang   
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      目的 <\b>通过对一起蓄意投放亚硝酸盐引起食物中毒的现场流行病学调查和刑事侦查比较,加强流行病学方法的应用.方法 <\b>按照定义进行病例搜索,完成所有病例或知情者基本信息、发病情况和饮食史等面对面调查,获取食品原料、加工和销售等情况;采集样本检测亚硝酸盐.查阅有关资料和知情访谈,了解刑侦和司法调查结果.结果 <\b>中毒总罹患率为56.25%(63/112),其中疑似和确证病例罹患率分别为41.96%和14.28%,病死率为3.17%(2/63).临床表现和疗效符合亚硝酸盐急性食物中毒特征;发病时间集中,与年龄、性别和职业无关.病例呕吐物、食物和环境样品共7批次191份,亚硝酸盐检测阳性率为18.84%.现场环境、食品经销和加工流程调查结果,支持亚硝酸盐经蓄意性投放的结论.刑事侦查结果表明,疑犯意图源于市场经营之争,购买亚硝酸盐在饮食摊档投放.结论 <\b>该起蓄意投放亚硝酸盐引起食物中毒的事件,经由现场流行病学调查和刑事侦查密切配合,获得充分的证据.刑事侦察与现场流行病学的配合在此类事件中的应用值得重视.
English Abstract:
      Objective <\b>To compare the field epidemiological investigation and the criminal investigation on a nitrite poisoning event caused by deliberate contamination.Methods <\b>Cases were searched according to the definition of the disease.Information on the histories of onset and diet of all the cases and normal population on site,were investigated face to face.Information as ingredients,processing and sales of foods was also gathered.Samples were collected and nitrite detection were performed.Relevant materials were searched,cases were interviewed and data related to criminal results were collected.Results <\b>Poisoned persons were staff of a big company in Longgang district of Shenzhen.The overall attack rate was 56.25% (63/112),with suspected and confirmed rates as 41.96% and 14.28%,respectively.The fatality rate was 3.17% (2/63).Clinical manifestation and effect of treatment were in accordance with the characteristics of an episode related to acute nitrite food poisoning in terms of factors as the time of onset,involving different age,sex and jobs of the patients.A total of 191 samples,including vomits from patients and seven batches of food and environment samples,were collected,with a positive detected rate of nitrite as 18.84%.Information gathered from the field environment,food distribution and processing supported the assumption that this was an incident of nitrite poisoning event with intention.Results <\b>from the criminal investigation showed that the suspect stemmed from the market management rivalry,bought nitrite,dissolved and spread on food stalls F9 and F10.Conclusion <\b>This event of intentional nitrite release resulting in food contamination which further leading to food poisoning,was completely proved by the joint efforts of the teams and expertise from the field epidemiology survey and the criminal investigation.
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