张文增,张松建,陈东妮,李长青,杨鹏,李印东.2013年北京市首例人感染H7N9禽流感病例流行病学调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2013,34(8):854-855
Epidemiological investigation on the first case of human avian influenza A (H7N9) virus infection in Beijing, 2013
Received:May 09, 2013  
KeyWord: 人禽流感|H7N9|感染源|流行病学
English Key Word: Human avian influenza|H7N9|Source of infection|Epidemiology
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
ZHANG Wen-zeng   
ZHANG Song-jian   
CHEN Dong-ni   
LI Chang-qing   
YANG Peng   
LI Yin-dong  zeng4379@126.com 
Hits: 2471
Download times: 1196
      2013年4月12日北京市某医院报告-例源自顺义区的人感染H7N9禽流感监测病例,次日确诊为北京市首例人感染H7N9禽流感病例.由于诊断、治疗和控制措施及时有效,该名患儿经救治于4月17日痊愈出院,疫情也未发生进-步传播.现将本次疫情流行病学调查资料分析如下. -、资料与方法 应用现场流行病学方法,按照2013年《人感染H7N9禽流感疫情防控方案(第1版)》,对病例进行回顾性个案调查.对病例的父母、老师等相关知情者进行访谈,求证病例发病前活动情况.查阅病例就诊的全部门诊和住院病历.
English Abstract:
      To introduce the application of Family-Based Association Test (FBAT) in detecting the association or linkage between marker alleles and phenotype or traits in genetic epidemiology. A brief overview on basic steps involved in design, implementation, principles of application, available software as well as the use and feature of FBAT method, were explained based on data from nuclear family. Advantages of FBAT were compared to conventional genetic statistics approaches. Data showed that this approach might make the most use of parental genotype,genotype of affected offspring and their phenotype to test the association between biallelic or multi-allelic markers, phenotype or traits to their conditional distributions given the minimal sufficient statistics under the null hypothesis for the genetic model. Covariates, such as traits or environmental exposures, might be included into this proudure so as to effectively control the bias of population admixture through adjustment of variables. FBAT could be used for genetic analysis with data from nuclear family since it is more advantageous than the conventional statistical methods.
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