王畅,王声滂,李文浩,董晓梅,池桂波.广州地区2213名大学生手机依赖综合征的 现况调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2013,34(10):949-952
广州地区2213名大学生手机依赖综合征的 现况调查
Study OH the mobile phone dependence syndrome and its distribution among 2213 college students in Guangzhou
Received:May 31, 2013  
KeyWord: 手机依赖综合征|大学生|现况调查
English Key Word: Mobile phone dependence syndrome|niversity students|Cross-sectional study
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
WANG Chang Guangzhou Centerfor Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou 510440, China
WANG Sheng-yong Center Injury Prevention and Control, Medical College of Jinan University
LI Wen-hao Department of Emergency Medicine. Guangdong No. 2 People’S Hospital  
DONG Xiao-mei Center Injury Prevention and Control, Medical College of Jinan University
CHI Gui-bo Center Injury Prevention and Control, Medical College of Jinan University
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      目的了解广州地区大学生手机依赖综合征(MPDs)的发生情况、分布特征及其危 险因素。方法采用统一调查问卷,以整群抽样方法对广州市6所高校2311名大学生进行问卷调 查,分别采用单因素和多因素logistic回归分析不同群体MPDS的分布和大学生MPDS的危险因 素。结果收回有效问卷2213人(份),其中男生1149人(51.9%),女生1064人(48.1%),平均年龄 (21.33±1.72)岁。广州地区大学生MPDS发生率为23.3%(515/2213)。MPDS发生率在不同年 级、专业、独生子女、月生活费、性格和学习成绩间的差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05);不同母 亲文化程度、母亲教养方式、父亲教养方式和自觉母亲关爱情况间的MPDS发生率差异有统计学 意义(P值均<0.05)。多因素logistic回归分析显示,专业为文学类和法学、月均生活费高、父亲专 制型和民主型教养方式、母亲专制型和溺爱型教养方式、自觉母亲一般关心和不关心/不清楚关心 自己是大学生发生MPDS的危险因素,性格不确定者较性格外向者少发生MPDS。结论广州地 区大学生MPDS发生率高,且无性别差异。应依据其危险因素采取干预措施。
English Abstract:
      Objective To investigate the occurrence,distribution and risk factors of mobile phone dependence syndrome(MPDS)among college students in Guangzhou.Methads A unified questionnaire was adopted.with 23 11 college students from 6 universities in Guangzhou investigated by cluster sampling.Distribution and risk factors of MPDS among different groups were analyzed by logistic regression.Results A total number of 2213 effective questionnaires was retrieved,including l 149 males and 1064 females.The average age was(21.33±1.72).The incidence rate of MPDS among studied college students in Guangzhou was 23.3%(515/2213).ConclusionRegarding the distribution of personal characteristics,significant differences were found in the following aspects:grades,majors in college,being the only child of the family,monthly cost of living,personal characters and the academic performance at school(P
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