彭晓昊,刘爽,杨鹏,李静,张代涛,崔淑娟,吴双胜,刘医萌,王全意.2011年北京地lt-JL童病例A组链球菌超抗原基因特征研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2014,35(3):299-302
Study on the distribution of superantigen of group A streptococcus isolated from children in Beijing,2011
Received:October 08, 2013  Revised:August 15, 2012
KeyWord: 组链球菌  超抗原  emm基因分型  儿童
English Key Word: Group A streptoccCCUS  Superantigen  em,fn typing  Children
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Peng XiaoHao ntaute or Infectious Disease and Enderc Disease Contr01. Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Jrevention. Bering 100013, China bjcdcxm@126.com 
Liu Shuang ntaute or Infectious Disease and Enderc Disease Contr01. Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Jrevention. Bering 100013, China  
Yang peng ntaute or Infectious Disease and Enderc Disease Contr01. Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Jrevention. Bering 100013, China  
Li Jing   
Zhang Daitao   
Cui Shujuan   
Wu Shuangcheng   
Liu Yimeng   
Wang Quari yi   
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      目的分析201 1年北京市儿童来源A组链球菌(GAs)临床分离株13种超抗原基因的携带情况及其与病例特征和emm分型间的关系。方法2011年5--7月在北京市36家医院收集儿童来源GAS临床分离株635株。采用实时荧光PCR方法检测菌株超抗原基因speA、speB、speC、speF、speG、spell、speI、speJ、speK、speL、speM、smeZ、ssa的携带情况,PCR法扩增M蛋白N末端基因片段,并对产物测序确定GAS的em/n型别。结果13种超抗原基因的携带率分别为speA(22.4%) speB(100.0%)、speC(99.4%)、speF(99.7%)、speG(99.7%)、speH(76.4%)、speI(76.2%)、speJ(21.7%)、speK(0.6%)、soeL(1,1%)speM(22%)、smeZ(99.7%)、ssa(98.0%),共观察到26种超抗原谱。超抗原speA、speH、speI、speJ在emml和emml2型GAS间分布的差异有统}于学意义(P<0.05)。致咽部感染菌株超抗原speK和speL的检出率高于致猩红热菌株(P结论2011年北京市儿童来源GAS对超抗原基因speB、speF、smeZ、speG、speC和ssa的携带率较高,speM、speL和speK的携带率较低。GAS的emln分型与超抗原基因问存在密切联系。来观察到超抗原基因speA和speC在致猩红热和致咽部感染菌株间的分布差异。
English Abstract:
      0bjective To analyze the prevalence of super-antigens(SAgsj of group Astreptococcus(GAS)isolated from Beijing pediatric patients in 201 l,and to explore the relationshipbetween em/n types.characteristics of patients and SAgs.Methods A total of 635 isolates of GASwere collected from children in 36 hospitals in Beijing from May to July,201l,Thigeen currentlyknown SAg genes were tested by real.time PCR,and emm gene was performed by PCR andsequencing of N.terminal gene fragrm;nts of M protein.Results Prevalence rates of 1 3 SAg genesspeA,speB,speC,speF,speG,speH,spel,speJ,speK,speLspeM,smeZ,ss8 were 22.4%,100.0%,99t4%,99.7%+99.7%.76.4%,76.2%,21.7%,0.6%,l,1%,2.2%,99.7%and 98.0%,respectively.Atotal of26SAgs profiles were observed according to the SAgs inclusion.There were significant differences infrequencies ofspeA.spell.spel and speJ between emml and emml2 strains(P<0.05).In isolates frompatients with pharyngeal infection,the prevalence rates for speK and speL were higher while thefrequency for SSa was lower than 1hat from scarlet fever cases(P<0.05).Conclusion Thefrequencies ofspeB,speF,smeZ,speG,jpeC,and s蚍were high among strains isolated while speM,speLand speK were relatively low from chihiren in Beijing,201 1.SAg genes appeared to be associated with the emm types.In this study,differences of frequency for speA and speC from strains eolleted frompatients with scarlet fever and pharyngeal infection had not been found.
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