陆华湘,朱宇佳,吴兴华,陈欢欢,罗柳红,蔡开祥,李剑军,覃春伟,张世真,梁英芳,李丽,张鸿满.广西部分地区老年男性嫖客商业性行为特征及HIV感染相关危险因素研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2015,36(1):31-34
Study on the characteristics of commercial sexual behavior and the risk factors analysis of HIV infection among the old male clients, in Guangxi
Received:July 30, 2014  
KeyWord: 人类免疫缺陷病毒  老年男性嫖客  商业性行为
English Key Word: Human immunodeficiency virus  Old male clients  Commercial sex behavior
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Lu Huaxiang Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China  
Zhu Yujia Guigang City People's Hospital ggzhuyujia@163.com 
Wu Xinghua Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China  
Chen Huanhuan Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China  
Luo Liuhong Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China  
Cai Kaixiang Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China  
Li Jianjun Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China  
Qin Chunwei Guigang City Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
Zhang Shizhen Binyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
Liang Yingfang Luzhai Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
Li Li Qintang Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
Zhang Hongman Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanning 530028, China  
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      目的 了解广西部分地区老年男性嫖客商业性行为的基本情况和特点, 初步探索其感染HIV的相关危险因素. 方法 选择广西老年男性艾滋病流行地区, 在暗娼场所现场对≥60岁的嫖客开展调查, 采5 ml静脉全血样本检测HIV和梅毒抗体, 用logistic多因素分析相关危险因素. 结果 调查共获得有效问卷1 236份, 65.61%来自低档场所, 53.64%的人商业性行为中从未使用安全套, 47.33%的人商业性行为暴露时间≥10年, 53.32%的人近30 d内商业性行为≥2次, 检出HIV抗体阳性的嫖客30人(2.43%), 梅毒阳性40人(3.24%);有固定性伴(OR=0.302, 95%CI:0.140~0.650)是老年嫖客感染HIV的保护因素, 商业性行为暴露时间(1~5)年(OR=2.552, 95%CI:1.086~5.998)和近30天内发生商业性行为次数≥4次(OR=3.002, 95%CI:1.047~8.607)是危险因素. 结论 广西老年男性嫖客HIV、梅毒的感染率较高, 以低档场所来源和低档消费为主, 商业性行为有暴露起点早, 时间跨度长、密度高、缺乏防护等特征, 感染HIV的相关危险因素可能包括无固定性伴及频繁发生的商业性行为.
English Abstract:
      Objective To understand the current situation and characteristics of commercial sexual behavior among old male clients in Guangxi, and to explore the associated risk factors of HIV infection. Methods The areas in Guangxi where more old male HIV cases were reported followed by survey on those male clients who were over 60 years of age, were selected. A total of 5 ml blood sample was collected to test antibodies of HIV and syphilis. Risk factors were calculated by the multivariate logistic analysis method. Results A total of 1 236 questionnaires were completed in the survey. 65.61% of the old male clients were from low-grade venues with 53.64% of them never using a condom when engaging in commercial sex behavior. 47.33% of them patronized sex workers for around 10 years. 53.32% of them patronized prostitutes not less than 2 times in the last 30 days. Thirty subjects were HIV positive (2.43%) and 40 were syphilis positive (3.24%). Factor as ‘having fixed partners' (OR=0.302, 95%CI:0.140-0.650) appeared protective for the old male clients of HIV infection, with a history of patronizing sex workers from 1 to 5 years (OR=2.552, 95%CI: 1.086-5.998). Frequency of patronizing sex workers not less than 4 times in the last 30 days (OR=3.002, 95%CI:1.047-8.607) seemed the high risk factor of HIV infection. Conclusion Older-aged male clients showed high HIV and syphilis infection rates in Guangxi, and most of them were using the low-grade venues. Commercial sexual behaviors in the areas would include early and, frequent exposure, but with poor protections. High risk factors of HIV infection might relate to "no fixed sexual partners" and "frequently commercial sexual behavior".
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