王玲玲,柏如海,刘倩,章琦,党少农,米白冰,颜虹.陕西省不良妊娠结局的流行病学研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2016,37(10):1379-1382
Epidemiological study on adverse pregnancy outcomes in Shaanxi province
Received:March 26, 2016  
KeyWord: 不良妊娠结局  流行病学
English Key Word: Adverse pregnancy outcomes  Epidemiology
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Wang Lingling Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Health Science Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China  
Bai Ruhai Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Health Science Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China  
Liu Qian Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Health Science Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China  
Zhang Qi Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Health Science Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China  
Dang Shaonong Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Health Science Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China  
Mi Baibing Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Health Science Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China  
Yan Hong Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Health Science Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China yanhonge@mail.xjtu.edu.cn 
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      目的 了解陕西省不良妊娠结局的流行病学现况。方法 利用2010-2013年陕西省出生缺陷现况及其危险因素调查数据,提取不良妊娠结局的数据资料进行统计描述与分析。结果 2010-2013年陕西省不良妊娠结局发生率为25.45%,其中各年份分别为26.84%、26.11%、24.96%、24.80%。不良妊娠结局顺位依次为巨大儿(31.91%)、低出生体重儿(23.42%)、自然流产(18.94%)、早产(16.65%)、出生缺陷(7.38%)和死胎及死产(1.70%)。不良妊娠结局在不同年龄组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),年龄越大,不良妊娠结局发生率越高(P<0.001)。不良妊娠结局在不同年份间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不良妊娠结局发生率最高的区县是礼泉县(37.49%),其次是武功县(35.50%)、乾县(35.13%)。结论 陕西省不良妊娠结局发生率较高,且有地区差异,以巨大儿、低出生体重儿、自然流产为主,高龄孕产妇不良妊娠结局发生危险增高。
English Abstract:
      Objective To understand the incidence and epidemiological characteristics of adverse pregnancy outcome in Shaanxi province. Methods General information of the study was derived from the prevalence and risk factors of birth defects in Shaanxi province in 2010-2013. Descriptive epidemiological method was used to analyze the data of adverse pregnancy outcome. Results The overall incidence of adverse pregnancy outcome was 25.45% during 2010-2013 (26.84% in 2010, 26.11% in 2011, 24.96% in 2012 and 24.80% in 2013, respectively). Fetal macrosomia and low birth weight accounted for 31.91% and 23.42%, spontaneous abortion and premature delivery accounted for 18.94% and 16.65%, while birth defects and embryo death in the palace accounted for 7.38% and 1.70%, respectively. There were significant differences in distribution of adverse pregnancy outcome among different age groups (P<0.001) and different years (P<0.05). Age was positively associated with risk on adverse pregnancy outcomes (P<0.001). The incidence of adverse pregnancy outcome were high in Liquan (37.49%), Wugong (35.50%) and Qianxian counties (35.13%). Conclusions The overall incidence of adverse pregnancy outcome was 25.45% in Shaanxi. Fetal macrosomia, low birth weight and spontaneous abortion were the three major types of adverse pregnancy outcome, while age and area were related factors. Targeted strategies should be taken to reduce the incidence of adverse pregnancy outcome in Shaanxi.
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