宋秋月,伍亚舟.纵向数据潜变量增长曲线模型及其在Mplus中的实现[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2017,38(8):1132-1135
The latent variable growth curve model of longitudinal data and its implementation in Mplus
Received:December 21, 2016  
KeyWord: 纵向数据  潜变量增长曲线模型  Mplus软件
English Key Word: Longitudinal data  Latent variable growth curve model  Mplus
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Song Qiuyue Department of Health Statistics College of Preventive Medicine, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China  
Wu Yazhou Department of Health Statistics College of Preventive Medicine, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China asiawu5@sina.com 
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English Abstract:
      To discuss the latent variable growth curve model of longitudinal data and give its implementation method in Mplus. The application of Mplus software has been used to deal with the longitudinal data of mental health status of college students in an university. Results show that the model can process the longitudinal data with latent variables, which can compare the differences of the overall development trend and individual development, also taking a covariate into the model to improve the effect of model fitting. Using Mplus software to process the longitudinal data with latent variables, the program is simple and easy to operate. This study provides the latent variable growth curve model of longitudinal data and its procedure of implementation in Mplus, and the statistical methodology guidance and reference for practical applications of epidemiological cohort study.
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