陈勇,韩黎,刘超.非洲感染性疾病监测现状[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2018,39(11):1530-1534
Current status of surveillance for infectious diseases in Africa
Received:May 14, 2018  
KeyWord: 感染性疾病  监测  流行病学  非洲
English Key Word: Infectious diseases  Surveillance  Epidemiology  Africa
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Chen Yong Department for Hospital Infection and Control, Institute for Disease Control and Prevention of Chinese People's Liberation Army, Beijing 100071, China  
Han Li Department for Hospital Infection and Control, Institute for Disease Control and Prevention of Chinese People's Liberation Army, Beijing 100071, China  
Liu Chao Institute for Disease Control and Prevention of Chinese People's Liberation Army, Beijing 100071, China liuchao9588@sina.com 
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English Abstract:
      The outbreak of infectious diseases is a major problem impacting the health of African people and global public health. It is important to establish a surveillance system and conduct continuous, appropriate and systemic surveillance for the prevention and control of infectious diseases. With the implementation of "The Belt and Road Initiative", the communication and collaboration between China and Africa will be enhanced. Understanding and taking part in the surveillance, prevention and control of infectious diseases in Africa would be helpful for ensuring global public health and promoting economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa. This paper aims to introduce and analyze the current status of surveillance for infectious diseases in Africa from the aspect of whole Africa, partial Africa and some African countries to provide reference for the prevention and control of imported infectious diseases in China and implementation of international medical relief by China.
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