金建秋,李伟,母艳蕾,姜毅,张玉幸,陆支越.脑血管病患者出现口腔黏膜病的调查分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2019,40(8):1003-1005
Study on the oral mucosal diseases in patients with cerebrovascular diseases
Received:March 12, 2019  
KeyWord: 脑血管病  口腔黏膜病  口腔念珠菌病
English Key Word: Cerebrovascular diseases  Oral mucosal diseases  Oral candidiasis
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Jin Jianqiu Department of Stomatology, Beijing Hospital, National Center of Gerontology, Beijing 100730, China jianqiu_82@126.com 
Li Wei Department of Neurology, Beijing Hospital, National Center of Gerontology, Beijing 100730, China  
Mu Yanlei Department of Neurology, Beijing Hospital, National Center of Gerontology, Beijing 100730, China  
Jiang Yi Department of Stomatology, Beijing Hospital, National Center of Gerontology, Beijing 100730, China  
Zhang Yuxing Department of Stomatology, Beijing Hospital, National Center of Gerontology, Beijing 100730, China  
Lu Zhiyue Department of Stomatology, Beijing Hospital, National Center of Gerontology, Beijing 100730, China  
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      目的 调查脑血管病患者出现口腔黏膜异常的患病情况。方法 对182名脑血管病患者和166名对照进行口腔黏膜疾病的检查,比较2组间口腔黏膜疾病的患病率。结果 脑血管病患者中检出口腔黏膜病的比率要高于对照组,最常见的是口腔念珠菌病11.1%(20/182),其次是沟纹舌5.0Study on the oral mucosal diseases in patients with cerebrovascular diseases%(9/182)、创伤性溃疡2.8%(5/182)、唇疱疹2.2%(4/182)、复发性口腔溃疡1.6%(3/182)、慢性唇炎1.6%(3/182)、白色角化症1.6%(3/182)等。结论 脑血管病患者容易出现口腔黏膜病,尤其是口腔念珠菌病,需要防范其发生和发展。
English Abstract:
      Objective To investigate the prevalence of oral mucosal diseases (OMD) in patients with cerebrovascular disease. Methods A total of 182 patients with cerebrovascular disease and 166 controls were examined for OMD to compare the differences of prevalence rates. Results The prevalence of OMD in patients with cerebrovascular disease appeared higher than that in the control group. Oral candidiasis was most commonly seen (11.1%, 20/182), followed by fissured tongue (5.0%, 9/182), traumatic ulcer (2.8%, 5/182), herpes labialis (2.2%, 4/182), recurrent oral ulcer (1.6%, 3/182), chronic cheilitis (1.6%, 3/182) and oral leukokeratosis (1.6%, 3/182). Conclusion Patients with cerebrovascular diseases were susceptible to OMDs, especially to oral candidiasis that called for more attention.
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