徐慧芳,林鹏.推进学校艾滋病预防教育工作[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2021,42(11):1912-1917
To promote AIDS preventive health education in schools
Received:January 14, 2021  
KeyWord: 艾滋病  学校  青年学生  教育
English Key Word: AIDS  School  Young student  Education
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Xu Huifang Department of AIDS Control and Prevention, Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou 510440, China
Guangdong Association of STD & AIDS Prevention and Control, Guangzhou 511430, China 
Lin Peng Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou 511430, China gdcdclp@21cn.com 
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      近几年,我国每年新报告青年学生HIV/AIDS维持在3 000例左右,备受社会关注。本文就我国青年学生艾滋病流行特点和预防教育工作的薄弱点进行分析,并就推进学校预防教育工作提出若干思考,同时通过本期重点号分享广州地区基于自我分类理论设计青年学生性健康和HIV感染风险评估干预微信小程序("熊探"),利用"熊探"帮助青年学生直观感知自身风险程度及其具体问题所在以及提供个性化干预的经验,以期为全国各地更好地落实新时代学校预防艾滋病教育工作目标和任务提供参考。
English Abstract:
      In recent years, the annual number of newly reported HIV/AIDS cases in young students remained to be 3 000 approximately, which has arisen a serious social concern. This paper focuses on the analysis on the epidemic characteristics of AIDS in young students in China and the weak points in preventive health education, and puts forward some thoughts on promoting the preventive health education in schools and introduces a WeChat applet for sexual health and HIV infection risk assessment in young students, which is called "Detective Bear" and developed based on self-categorization theory in Guangzhou to help young students to be aware of their own risks and specific problems and provide individualized intervention for the better implementation of AIDS prevention health education in schools in China in the new era.
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