中华预防医学会.中国疫苗接种用注射器(注射针)选用专家共识[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2022,43(6):798-803
Expert consensus on selection of needles and syringes for vaccination in China
Received:March 21, 2022  
KeyWord: 疫苗接种  注射器  注射针  规格  专家共识
English Key Word: Vaccination  Syringe  Needle  Size  Expert consensus
Author NameAffiliation
Chinese Preventive Medicine Association  
Hits: 8228
Download times: 1551
English Abstract:
      Vaccination with a suitable needle and syringe can reduce pain and risk of injury. Use of proper needle and needle length helps ensure the vaccine is deposited in the desired tissue for optimal immune response. Many countries recommend suitable needles and syringe in their vaccination guidelines based on research evidence and practical experience, however China currently lacks such recommendations. This consensus panel of experts reviewed current standards for production of vaccination needles and syringes, guidelines for needle and syringe selection, and original studies and review articles related to medical injections. Based on all available evidence and practical experience from all levels of centers for disease control and prevention (CDCs) and vaccination clinics, the experts formed a consensus on selection of needles and syringes for vaccination in China. The consensus can serve as a reference for needle and syringe size selection by CDCs and injection technique guidance in vaccination clinics.
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