A Case-Control Study of Dangerous Factors Related to Infertility
收稿日期:1990-07-02  出版日期:2021-06-07
中文关键词: 不孕症  危险因素  病例对照研究
英文关键词: Infertility  Dangerous factors  Case-control study
程立法 河南省计划生育科学研究所 郑州, 450003 
王敏峥 河南省计划生育科学研究所 郑州, 450003 
杨文秀 河南省计划生育科学研究所 郑州, 450003 
摘要点击次数: 1748
全文下载次数: 491
      This paper reports the case-control study of dangerous factors related to infertility in Henan province during 1987~1988.
There were two groups. One was a primary infertility group with 319 couples. The other was a normal fertility gruop with 714 couples, who were neighboars of the first group, among whom the women's age range was within 6 years old.
The survey materials were analized by SAS programmes in the computer. The methods of analysis were single factor and logistic regression analysis of factors.
The results of single factor analysis showed that in male, infertility had aclose relationship with eating edible rude cotton seed oil; suffering from Varicocele; hydrocele of tunica vaginalis; sex dysplasia; breast dyslasia; puberty enuresis; parotitis after puberty; familial infertility and working under high temperature coudilions. In female, menstrual disorder; asexuality or pain during coitus; familial infertility; TB and other chronic diseases might be major contributors to the incidence of infertility.
The results of logistic regression analysis of the factors related to infertility suggested that in male, eating edible rude cotton seed oil, suffering form varicocele; sex dysplasia; puberty enuresis; and in female, menstrual disorder; TB; consanguineous marriage, lower rate of coitus, freguent contact with pernicious substances might be major dangerous factors causing infertility.
The results of the logistic regression analysis were different from those of the single factor analysis because the former not only analyzed the major influence of each factor but also consilerel the comprehensive effects of the relevant factors.
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