陈观进,钟振伟,李沛.湛江市区脑血管病死亡率与气象关系的探讨[J].中华流行病学杂志,1993,14(4):234-236 |
湛江市区脑血管病死亡率与气象关系的探讨 |
Investigation on the Correlation between the Mortality of Cerebrovascular Diseases and the Meteorological Factors in Zhanjiang City |
收稿日期:1993-01-20 出版日期:2021-06-01 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 脑血管意外 气象因素 死亡率 |
英文关键词: Cerebrovascular disorders Meteorological factors Mortality |
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摘要点击次数: 2160 |
全文下载次数: 506 |
中文摘要: |
对地处亚热带地区的湛江市区(冬季月平均气温在15~18℃之间)1987~1989年100多万自然人群中脑血管病死亡率与气温、气压、相对湿度三大气象因素的关系应用电子计算机进行单相关分析。结果表明,脑血管病死亡率以冬季最高。死亡率与气温呈显著负相关(r=-0.7785, P<0.01);与气压呈显著正相关(r=0.7511, P<0.01):与相对湿度无显著相关(r=0.1413, P>0.05)。提示湛江市区脑血管病人在冬季月平均气温15~18℃、月平均气压1014~1020毫巴的条件下死亡率明显增高。 |
英文摘要: |
The correlation of the mortality of cerebrovascular diseases in more than 1 million population from 1987 to 1989 with meteorologic phenomena (air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity) was studied using computering simple correlation analysis in Zhanjiang City which is located in subtropical area, with an average air temperature between 15℃ and 13℃ in winter, The results showed that the mortality of cerebrovas cular diseases in winter was the highest. Mortality was in significant negative correlation with air temperature (r=0.7785, P<0.01), in significant positive correlation with atmospheric pressure (r=0.7511, P<0.01), and in no significant correlation with relative humidity (r=0.1413, P>0.05). It suggested that the mortality of cerebrovascular diseases in Zhanjiang City would significantly increase in the condition that the average air temperature is 15℃~18℃, and the average atmospheric pressure is 1014~1020 millibar in winter. |
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