A field epidemiological study on the risk factors of injury caused by typhoon
收稿日期:2006-02-23  出版日期:2014-09-15
中文关键词: 台风  伤害  现场流行病学  危险因素
英文关键词: Typhoon  Injury  Field epiderniolo}y  Risk factor
龚震宇 杭州,浙江省疾病预防控制中心 310009 
柴程良 杭州,浙江省疾病预防控制中心 310009 
屠春雨 杭州,浙江省疾病预防控制中心 310009 
林君芬 杭州,浙江省疾病预防控制中心 310009 
高奕 杭州,浙江省疾病预防控制中心 310009 
邱银伟 杭州,浙江省疾病预防控制中心 310009 
曾光 杭州,浙江省疾病预防控制中心 310009 
RobertE.Fontaine 杭州,浙江省疾病预防控制中心 310009 
LeeCK 中国疾病预防控制中心中国现场流行病学培训项训 
何凡 Center for Diseases Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA 
陈坤 World Heath Organization, Geneve 
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      目的分析台风伤害的危险因素.方法采用现场流行病学调查方法,1:2配对的病例对照研究.对照组选伤害者邻居,按照同职业、同村庄、同性别和年龄±5岁配对.结果台风造成392人受伤住院治疗,50人死亡.伤害罹患率为27.3/10万,伤害致死率为11.3%,伤害死亡率3.1/10万.调查了209名受伤者和31名死亡者.发现伤害主要发生在台风来临前,其中台风来临前1~6小时之间有病例155例,占64.6%.209例伤害病例中,67.5%的病例曾得到过台风预警,但138名应答者中重视预警的只有47人,仅占34.0%.发现"台风来临时不在家中"[调整OR值(MH)=3.9 (95%CI:1.9~7.7)]、"台风来临前未得到预警"[调整OR值(MH)=3.3(95%CI:1.3~8.6)]和"虽得到预警但不重视"[调整OR值(MH)=17(95%CI:4.2~68)]是台风伤害的危险因素.结论外出、不重视预警是台风伤害的危险因素,应加强台风来临的预警宣传力度.
      Objective To determine the risk factors involved in the typhoon episodes and to put forward and evaluate the intervention measures. Methods We defined a confirmed injury case as:‘a person with fall,scalpel and stab, collision,drowning,injuries and trauma due to flying debris and building collapse,asphyxiation due to entrapment in collapsed buildings by typhoon from 0 am,August 12 to 6 pm,August 14 2004' and a death case as:‘a person with fall,scalpel and stab,collision,drowning,injuries and trauma due to flying debris and building collapse, asphyxiation due to entrapment in collapsed buildings by typhoon from 0 am,August 12 to 12 am,August 18 2004'.We investigated all hospitalized injured cases in ten hospitals and telephoned to those who were not hospitalized and the cases of death. We did case-control study with 1 pair versus 2 cases. 74 cases were selected in ten hospitals. The controls were neighbors of the controls matched by occupation,sex,village,and within 5 years of age without injury in this typhoon. We asked the cases and the controls on their alertness regarding typhoon and what actions taken when typhoon arrived. Results There were 392 injury cases in all ten hospitals and 50 death cases. The attack rate of injury was 27.3 per 100 000. The fatal rate was 11.3%with the death rate 3.1 per 100 000. We investigated 209 injury cases and 31 death cases. The number of cases who were injured from 1 to 6 hours before typhoon landing accounted for 64.6(155 ) of all cases. The peak of epidemic curve was 4 hours before the landing of typhoon. Data on the analysis of 74 cases and 148 controls revealed that 42 % ( 31) of the cases were outside their homes before and during typhoon compared to 15%( 22 ) of the controls(OR=3.9,95%CI:1.9-7.7).Compared with 20%( 30 ) control persons ( OR=17,95%C,I:4. 2-68).28 % (21) cases did not receive the alert of typhoon before it arrived compared with 18 % (27)control persons( OR=3.3,95%CI:1.3-8.6).53%(39) of the cases did not pay attention to the alert of typhoon before typhoon arrived. Conclusion Staying outdoor,not receiving or did not take seriously about the alert of typhoon seemed to be the risk factors of injury by the typhoon episode, suggestion that the government should increase the emergency preparedness and to raise the awareness on risks associated with typhoon.
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