Exposure to avian influenza virus and the infection status of virus among people breeding or butchering ducks in the suburb of Beijing
收稿日期:2011-10-27  出版日期:2014-09-09
中文关键词: 禽流感  水禽  暴露
英文关键词: Avian influenza  Waterfowl  Exposure
马春娜 首都医科大学公共卫生与家庭医学学院, 北京 100069
杨鹏 北京市疾病预防控制中心传染病地方病控制所  
张奕 北京市疾病预防控制中心传染病地方病控制所  
李海月 北京市疾病预防控制中心传染病地方病控制所  
张莉 北京市疾病预防控制中心传染病地方病控制所  
李丽丽 房山区疾病预防控制中心  
李超 怀柔区疾病预防控制中心  
杨育松 密云县疾病预防控制中心  
陈合 大兴区疾病预防控制中心  
张松建 顺义区疾病预防控制中心  
刘秀军 通州区疾病预防控制中心  
王全意 北京市疾病预防控制中心传染病地方病控制所 bjcdcxm@126.com 
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      目的 了解北京市郊区鸭养殖和屠宰从业人员的禽流感暴露及病毒感染情况.方法 2011年3-4月对北京市6个区(县)从事鸭养殖和屠宰工作的4类人群(商业化养鸭场从业人员、鸭屠宰场从业人员、个体规模化养鸭者和家庭养鸭者)进行问卷调查和血清禽流感抗体检测,了解人口统计学信息、病死禽暴露及禽流感病毒感染等情况.结果 共调查1741人,其中商业化养鸭场从业人员313人(18.0%),鸭屠宰场从业人员562人(32.3%),个体规模化养鸭者261人(15.0%),家庭养鸭者605人(34.7%).与其他3类人群接触的鸭相比,家庭养鸭者(66.8%)接触的鸭与其他禽类接触的比例最高(P<0.05).家庭养鸭者(35.2%)和鸭屠宰场从业人员(31.3%)接触的鸭没有全部接种过禽流感疫苗的比例高于商业化和个体规模化养鸭者(P<0.05).家庭养鸭者中养殖环境清洗频率>4次/月(8.8%)、消毒频率>12次/年(27.3%)的人员所占比例均最低(P<0.05).家庭养鸭者暴露因素中在手有伤口时徒手接触鸭的人员所占比例最高(34.4%)(P<0.05).病死禽暴露情况中,家庭养鸭者接触病死禽时不采取任何防护措施的人员所占比例最高(70.8%)(P<0.05).1741人中,未发现禽流感病毒H5、H7亚型感染,H9亚型抗体阳性12人(阳性率为0.7%),其中10人为家庭养鸭者(阳性率为1.7%),4类人群中H9亚型抗体阳性率差异有统计学意义(x2=13.699,P<0.05).结论 家庭养鸭者感染禽流感的风险高于其他3类人群(商业化养鸭场从业人员、鸭屠宰场从业人员、个体规模化养鸭者),个体规模化养鸭者和家庭养鸭者接触病死禽时防护较差,应根据各人群特点进行有针对的干预.
      Objective To understand the exposure and the infection status of virus among people engaging in breeding or butchering ducks in the suburb of Beijing.Methods People from six districts (Daxing,Fangshan,Huairou,Miyun,Shunyi,Tongzhou) who engaged in breeding or butchering ducks were studied and the status of infecting avian influenza virus was obtained by testing antibody level in serum.Information on demographic characteristics,status of regular exposure and exposure to sick or dead poultry were collected through a self-designed questionnaire.Results 1741people were involved in this study in which 313 (18.0% ) were workers in duck-breeding enterprise,562 (32.3%) were workers in duck slaughterhouse,261 (15.0%) farmers were in individualsmall-scale duck farms,605 (34.7%) were farmers raising duck in backyard.Among farmers raising duck in backyard,the percentage of people whose ducks ever contacted with wild birds was higher than the other three groups (66.8%)(P<0.05).Among farmers who bred their ducks in the backyard (35.2%) and those abattoir workers (31.3% ),the percentage of people who had contacted ducks but not been vaccinated with avian influenza vaccine was higher than the other two groups (P<0.05).Regarding the status on cleaning and disinfection among the studied farmers who had bred their ducks in the backyard,the percentage of people who had closer contact with ducks would clean the settings more than 4 times per month (8.8%) and disinfected those places more than 12 times per year (27.3%) but still lower than the other three groups (P<0.05).Among those farmers who bred ducks in the backyard,the percentage of people who had ever touched duck with their hands was high (34.4%) (P< 0.05).Regarding exposure to sick or dead poultry,higher proportion was found among those who had ever closely contacted sick or dead poultry commercial duck raisers (36.1%) and individuals who raise large amount of ducks (36.0%).70.8% of the individual duck raisers had never taken any protective measures when closely contacting the sick or dead poultry.Among 1741 samples,0 were positive to avian influenza virus H5 and H7 subtypes.12 were positive to H9 subtype (positive rate was 0.7% ),in which 10 were farmers raising ducks in backyard (the positive rate of 1.7% ).Differences between H9 subtype antibody positive rates difference in 4 population groups were statistically significant (x2/sup>=13.699,P<0.05).Conclusion Farmers who bred their ducks in the backyard had greater risk of contracting the avian influenza.Individual duckers who raise ducks in large scale and the farmers who bred their ducks in the backyard were in lack of protective measures when contacting the sick or dead poultry.Our findings suggested that some intervention measures should be taken to reduce the risk of avian influenza infection.
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