Relationship between faetors as sensation seeking general self-efficacy and deviant peels with refusal skills among middle school students
收稿日期:2011-03-18  出版日期:2014-09-03
中文关键词: 感觉寻求  自我效能  不良同伴  拒绝技能
英文关键词: Sensation seeking  Self-efficacy  Deviancy peer  Refusal skills
郭蕊 广西壮族自治区右江民族医学院预防医学教研室, 百色 533000  
邓树嵩 广西壮族自治区右江民族医学院预防医学教研室, 百色 533000 yydss1@163.com 
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      目的 了解青少年拒绝技能使用情况及感觉寻求、一般自我效能和不良同伴对拒绝技能的影响。方法 选择广西壮族自治区百色市2所高中和2所职业高中的502名学生(14~20岁)为调查对象,采用问卷调查方式评价青少年拒绝技能、感觉寻求、一般自我效能感和不良同伴状况。结果 ①青少年较多采用“拒绝”和“离开”策略(分别为78.29%、77.89%)。②一般自我效能感与“解释”和“离开”策略呈负相关(r值分别为-0.238、-0.250);感觉寻求与“解释”、“离开”策略均呈负相关;不良同伴与“拒绝”和“离开”策略呈正相关。③logistic回归分析显示,一般自我效能和感觉寻求均在以“解释”策略(β分别为-0.055、-0.029)或“离开”策略(β分别为-0.057、-0.041)为因变量的回归方程中有统计学意义。结论 一般自我效能和感觉寻求能有效预测拒绝技能中“解释”和“离开”策略。
      Objective To explore the relationship of sensation seeking,self-efficacy,deviant peers and refusal skills related to strategy on drugs among middle school students.Methods A total of 502 students from two high schools and two vocational schools in Baise city were recruited with age distribution between 14 and 20 years.The study objects were asked to fill the sensation seeking scale,the general self-efficacy scale questionnaire on drug refusal strategies and behavior among peers.Results(1) Adolescents were more likely to use the Refuse(78.29%) and Leave strategy(77.89%) for initial drug offers and follow-up drug offers;(2)The general self-efficacy was negatively associated with the Explain and Leave strategies for initial drug offers and Explain strategy for follow-up drug offers.Sensation seeking was negatively related to the strategies on Explain and Leave for initial drug offers and follow-up drug offers.Peer influence was positively associated with both Refuse and Leave strategies for initial drug offers and follow-up drug offers;(3)Results from the logistic regression analysis showed that self-efficacy and sensation seeking were significant variables that could predict the Results from the use of Explain strategy(β =-0.055 and -0.029) for both initial drug refusals and follow-up drug refusals and the use of Leave strategy(β =-0.057 and-0.041) for initial drug refusals.Conclusion There were significant effects of sensation seeking and self-efficacy in predicting Explain or Leave strategies for drug refusals among middle students.
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