Evaluation on the long-term effectiveness among the first set eight methadone maintenance treatment clinics in China
收稿日期:2012-05-08  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 黄沙酮维持治疗  治疗效果  吸毒人员
英文关键词: Methadone maintenance treatment  Treatment  Dragusers
曹晓斌 102206 北京, 中幽疾病预防控制中心  
吴尊友 102206 北京, 中幽疾病预防控制中心 wuzy@263.net 
庞琳 102206 北京, 中幽疾病预防控制中心  
柔克明 102206 北京, 中幽疾病预防控制中心  
王常合 102206 北京, 中幽疾病预防控制中心  
罗巍 102206 北京, 中幽疾病预防控制中心  
殷文渊 102206 北京, 中幽疾病预防控制中心  
米国栋 美国疾病预防控制中心全球艾滋病项目中国办公室  
李建华 云南省药物依赖防治研究所  
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      目的 分析中国酋批8个寿十区美沙酮维持治疗(MMT)门诊的长期治疗效果。方法 在MMT门诊开诊(基线)及运行5年后(5年评估)两个时间点,采用一对一问卷调查的方法.比较分析研究对象的人口学特征、HIV感染危陆行为毒品滥用相关违法犯罪、家庭社会功能恢复等。结果 基线与5年评估调查的研究刘象分别为252人和195人,其中66人参加了2次调查。基线与5年评估时研究对象在民族、文化程度、职业、婚姻状况居住状况等特征差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。参加MMT后,研究对象在毒品滥用(100.0% vs. 24.1%,P<0.001)、共用注射器吸毒(19.4% vs. 0.0%.P<0.001)及因毒品而与他人发生性行为(34.5% vs. 0.0%,P<0.001)等HIV感染危险行为方而有鼎著降低。在安全套使用率(10.6% vs. 25.0%,P=0.004)、有工作的比例(27.8% vs. 47.7%.P<0.001)、吸毒相关违法犯罪发生率(15.1% vs. 1.5%, P<0.001)及与吸毒人员交往比例(88.9% vs. 31.3%, P<0.001)均有明娃改善。结论 MMT在降低HIV感染危险行为、恢复社会功能、减少违法犯罪等方面具有显著作用。应通过加强培训等措施,提高工作人员能力及服务质量,尽可能减少脱失、延长治疗时间。
      Obiective To evainate the long-term effectiveness of the first set 8 methadone maintenance treatment(MMT)clinics in China. Methods Rcpeated cross-sectional surveys were conducted on the first month after the enrollment and 5 years later.among drug users who received MMT.using a standard questionnaire.Data on demographic characteristics.HIV-related high-risk bechaviors.criminal records associated with drug use and related family/social functions were collected and analyzed. Results There were 252 and 195 participants being interviewed at the baseline aod the 5-year surveys.respectively.Of them.66 participants were involved in both surveys. There was no significant differences on factors as ethnicity. level of education, working status,marital status and living status(P>0.05) between the baseline and the 5-year surveys. Compared with data from the baseline survey,participants'behavior on drug abuse (100.0% vs. 241%, P<0.001), needle sharing behavior(19.4% vs, 0.0%, P<0.001), and exchanging sex for drugs(34.5% vs. 0.0%, PConclusion MMT could play an active role jn reducing the HIV-related high-risk behaviors,criminal cases associated with drug abuse as well as enhancing the family and social functions of the MMT patients. Providing high quality service to the MMT clinic and trying to keep the drug users stick to the program remain difficult. It was also important to improve the training programs for staff working at the MMT clinics.
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