Analysis on the epidemic feature of iodine deficiency disorders in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 2005 and 2009
收稿日期:2013-02-04  出版日期:2014-09-03
中文关键词: 碘缺乏病|流行特征
英文关键词: Iodine deficiency disorders|Epidemic feature
基金项目:香港Kadoorie Charitable Foundation;英国Wellcomel Trust(088158/Z/09/Z);国家科技支撑项目(2011BAI09B01);江苏省卫生厅“科教兴卫”工程医学重点人才项目(RC2011192)
蒋继勇  jjyl956@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 2269
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      新疆是我国也是世界上严重的碘缺乏病病区[1].自2007年始在南疆和吐鲁番地区开始实施贫困人口免费发放加碘食盐,为了解其防治效果以及碘缺乏病流行特点,以2009年碘缺乏病防治监测资料,结合2005年碘缺乏病病情的比较,分析新疆地区碘缺乏病防治状况与流行规律. 1.资料与方法:2009年分别对不同病区按PPS法抽样调查42个县(市)小学学生,对3年级(8- 10岁)学生用B超法检查甲状腺肿大率,并采集部分儿童尿样.同时调查学生家中是否使用加碘盐或其他补碘措施;每个点入户调查食盐加碘情况.采用GB/T13025-1999直接滴定法检测食盐碘含量.
      Objective To explore the relationship between weekly alcohol drinking behavior and the prevalence of hypertension.Methods Data was collected in a Kadoorie study of chronic disease in Wuzhong district,Suzhou city of Jiangsu province,China.Data from the baseline survey was used to describe the status of alcohol drinking and the prevalence of hypertension among local residents.Relationships between the frequency of alcohol drinking,consumption of alcohol,age when initiating weekly drinking behavior,drinking-related adverse conditions and the prevalence of hypertension,were studied by logistic regression.Results The rates on weekly alcohol drinking in the studied population were 40.7% in men and 0.6% in women.The amount of weekly average alcohol intake showed as 250.8 g in males and 47.2 g in females,with statistical significance seen between genders (P<0.01).The prevalence rates of hypertension among male and female were 39.7% and 36.1% respectively,with significant difference (P<0.01).Data from Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that when the frequency of alcohol drinking ≥ 3 days per week or the weekly average alcohol intake ≥100 grams,the risk would be higher to develop hypertension than in those non-drinkers (P<0.01).The age of initiating behavior as weekly alcohol drinking younger than 20 years old or the dinking-related adverse condition appeared to be more than two kinds.The risks of developing hypertension were 1.50 times and 3.27 times than those non-drinkers in men but not in women.Conclusion The frequency of drinking alcohol and the amount of alcohol intake per week was different between males and females.Along with the following factors as:increase of frequency on alcohol drinking per week,the amount of alcohol intake also increased.The advance of age related to the initiation of weekly drinking and the increase of alcohol-related adverse condition was also seen,the risk of hypertension showed an upward trend in males but not in females.
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