Investigation on the risk factors for HIV infection among elderly male clients of the commercialfemale sex-workers in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,in 2012
收稿日期:2013-06-19  出版日期:2014-10-16
中文关键词: 艾滋病  中老年嫖客
英文关键词: AIDS  Elderly clients
陈怡 530028 南宁,广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心  
唐振柱 530028 南宁,广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心 chenyill09@126.tom 
沈智勇 530028 南宁,广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心  
蓝光华 530028 南宁,广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心  
张鸿满 530028 南宁,广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心  
周月姣 530028 南宁,广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心  
朱秋映 530028 南宁,广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心  
张小娟 530028 南宁,广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心  
唐帅 530028 南宁,广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心  
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      目的了解广西壮族自治区(广西)中老年嫖客感染HIV现状、相关高危行为和危险因素。方法2012年4-7月在广西艾滋病哨点对≥40岁的中老年嫖客进行面对面访谈,获取一般人口学、艾滋病知识知晓率、行为学、检测等信息,并采集3~5 ml血液检测HIV抗体,数据采用SPSS 18.0软件分析。结果14个嫖客哨点共调查4260人,初中及以下文化程度占82.1%,72.0%在低档场所发生商业性交易,年龄越大嫖娼场所档次越低;嫖客艾滋病知识知晓率为74.2%,HIV阳性嫖客知晓率为65.8%;共检出73名HIV抗体阳性,阳性率(肘)为1.40%,自愿咨询检测点来源人群较其他来源人群具有更高的HIV感染危险(OR=23.672,95%CI:4.984.112.434),中档场所嫖娼人群较低档场所具有较低的HIV感染危险(OR=O.410,95%CI:0.190。0.885),梅毒阴性(OR=O.255,95%CI:0.132~0.491)、丙型肝炎阴性(OR=O.154,95%CI:O.059~0.401)者HIV感染危险较低,嫖客婚内/J't,性行为安全套使用率均较低,且嫖娟场所档次越低,安全套使用率越低;嫖客既往HIV抗体检测率仅为4.6%,41名嫖客有CD4+T淋巴细胞检测结果,其中80.5%的CD4+T淋巴细胞数<350 cell/I.tl,61.0%的CD4+T淋巴细胞数<200 cell/lal。结论广西中老年嫖客HIV阳性率高,与低档场所暗娼发生无保护性行为是感染HIV的重要危险因素。
      Objective To monitor the current HIV prevalence,related risk behaviors andfactors for HIV infection among the elderly male clients of the commercial female sex.workers(CFSW)in Guangxi.Methods Face to face interview on male clients aged≥40 years old wascarried out in April to July,2012.Information on demography.awareness of HIV prevention.relatedrisk behaviors.history on HIV testing etc.were collected.with 3-5 ml full blood collected for testingon HIV Data was analyzed by SPSS l 8.0 software.Results 4260 clients were surveyed at 1 4surveillance sites in which 82.1%had received secondary or lower education.72.0%experiencedcommercial sex in places with low.class sex trade.HIV awareness rate of clients was 74.2%in whichthe rate ofclients who were HIV positive was 65.8%.Among all the clients.73 were detected as HIVpositive.with the HIV positive rate as 1.40%.Samples from voluntary counseling and testing sitesshowed higher risk to HIV infection than from other sources(OR=23.672.95%CI:4.984-112.434).Samples from middle class population showed lower risk to HIV infection than those at low class(OR=O.410,95%CI:0.190-0.885).Among those who were syphilis negative(0R=0.255,95%CI:0.132-0.491)or hepatitis C virus(HCV)negative(OR=0.154,95%CI,:0.059-0.401).the risk ofgetting HIV infected seemed to be low.Rate on condom use was low for clients among all of thesex.related behaviors regardless of the marriage status.In those lower-class sex trade places.10wer rateon the condom use was seen.Rate for previous HIV testing for clients was only 4.6%.Among 4 1clients who had received CD4 testing.80.5%of them showed CD4 under 350 cellht 1.6 1.0%wereunder 200 cell/B1.Conclusion The HIV positive rate for elderly male clients of the CFSWs was highin Guangxi.Unprotective sexual contact with low class sex workers was the most important risk factorfor HIV infection.
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