Prevalence and control status of diabetes in elderly community residents and risk factors
收稿日期:2016-05-03  出版日期:2016-09-14
中文关键词: 糖尿病  患病率  控制  老年人
英文关键词: Diabetes  Prevalence  Control  Elderly
王建华 100853 北京, 解放军总医院老年医学研究所 衰老及相关疾病北京市重点实验室  
郑昊林 710032 西安, 解放军第四军医大学学院旅  
刘淼 100853 北京, 解放军总医院老年医学研究所 衰老及相关疾病北京市重点实验室  
何耀 100853 北京, 解放军总医院老年医学研究所 衰老及相关疾病北京市重点实验室 yhe301@sina.com 
吴蕾 100853 北京, 解放军总医院老年医学研究所 衰老及相关疾病北京市重点实验室  
王义艳 100853 北京, 解放军总医院老年医学研究所 衰老及相关疾病北京市重点实验室  
张迪 100853 北京, 解放军总医院老年医学研究所 衰老及相关疾病北京市重点实验室  
曾静 100853 北京, 解放军总医院老年医学研究所 衰老及相关疾病北京市重点实验室  
姚尧 100853 北京, 解放军总医院老年医学研究所 衰老及相关疾病北京市重点实验室  
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      目的 了解社区老年人群糖尿病的患病情况以及糖尿病的控制情况,并探讨其主要的影响因素。方法 2009年9月至2010年6月采用随机整群抽样,选择北京市万寿路地区≥60岁老年人群进行横断面调查。收集社区老年人的一般健康状况、糖尿病患病情况、服药治疗情况,并进行化验检查。结果 共纳入2 102名(其中男性848名,女1 254名)社区老年人,年龄在60~95(71.2±6.6)岁之间。老年人文化程度较高,吸烟(21.1%)、饮酒(42.2%)比例较低,约有10%人群有糖尿病家族史。社区老年人群糖尿病的患病率为24.8%,约有33.1%的社区老年人存在糖调节受损,其中主要是糖耐量减低。糖尿病的知晓率和治疗率分别为78.5%和69.3%,控制率为15.9%。多因素分析结果显示,超重/肥胖、有糖尿病家族史的老年人糖尿病患病风险是对照组的1.42(95% CI:1.14~1.76)和3.42(95% CI:2.70~4.35)倍,且超重/肥胖、饮酒和家族史也是影响糖尿病控制情况的重要因素。结论 社区老年人群糖代谢异常和糖尿病患病率相对较高,糖尿病知晓率与治疗率较高,但控制率较低。超重/肥胖、饮酒与家族史是影响糖尿病患病与控制情况的重要因素。
      Objective To analyze the prevalence and control status of diabetes in elderly community residents and related risk factors. Methods A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in elderly community residents aged 60-95 years in an urban district of Beijing from September 2009 to June 2010 to collect the general health status of the elderly in the community, the prevalence of diabetes, medication treatment, and laboratory tests were conducted. Results A sample of 2 102, including 848 males and 1 254 females, were selected through randomized clustering sampling for this study. Most participants had higher educational levels, and the smoking and drinking rates were low among them. The prevalence of diabetes, impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance were 24.8%, 2.5% and 30.6%, respectively. The awareness, treatment and control rates of diabetes were 78.5%, 69.3% and 15.9%, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that ORs of obesity, family diabetes history for diabetes were 1.42 (95%CI:1.14-1.76) and 3.42 (95%CI:2.70-4.35), respectively compared with control group. Also, obesity and family diabetes history were related risk factors for control status of diabetes. Conclusions The prevalence of diabetes was relatively high, but the control rate was low in elderly community residents. Obesity, unhealthy lifestyles and family diabetes history were related risk factors.
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