Factors associated with smoking cessation attempts in male current smokers in rural area of Shandong province
收稿日期:2016-03-24  出版日期:2016-09-14
中文关键词: 吸烟  烟草  戒烟次数  Hurdle计数模型
英文关键词: Smoking  Tobacco  Smoking cessation attempt  Hurdle count data model
宋慧慧 250012 济南, 山东大学公共卫生学院流行病学系  
刘言训 250012 济南, 山东大学公共卫生学院生物统计学系  
王健 250012 济南, 山东大学公共卫生学院卫生管理与政策研究中心  
贾崇奇 250012 济南, 山东大学公共卫生学院流行病学系 jiachongqi@sdu.edu.cn 
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      目的 探讨山东省农村男性吸烟者既往戒烟次数的影响因素。方法 2010年8月在济南市平阴县、临沂市莒南县、济宁市梁山县各抽取3个自然村,对其中≥15岁居民逐户进行面对面问卷调查,获得其一般人口学资料、烟草暴露情况、吸烟的态度和危害认知情况;采用Hurdle计数模型探讨既往戒烟次数的影响因素。结果 1 798名男性现在吸烟者中,既往从未戒过烟者1 267人(70.47%),至少戒过一次者531人(29.53%)。Hurdle模型logistic回归部分表明,婚姻、教育和吸烟危害认知是影响是否戒烟的主要因素,已婚者相对于未婚者尝试过戒烟的可能性更大(β=0.705,P=0.002),教育程度(β=0.214,P=0.026)和吸烟危害认知程度(β=0.237,P=0.009)越高尝试过戒烟的可能性越大;零截尾Poisson回归分析表明,开始吸烟年龄和吸烟危害认知是戒烟次数的影响因素,开始吸烟年龄越小(β=-0.167,P=0.035)、吸烟危害认知程度越高(β= 0.146,P=0.020)其戒烟次数越多。结论 山东省农村男性吸烟者中尝试戒烟的比例较低;影响是否戒烟与戒烟次数的因素不完全相同。应根据吸烟者过去是否有过戒烟经历及戒烟次数,采取针对性的干预措施。
      Objective To explore the influencing factors for the smoking cessation attempts in male current smokers. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted in nine villages selected from three counties (Pingyin, Junan and Liangshan) of Shandong province in August, 2010 through household questionnaire survey in villagers aged ≥15 years to collect the information about current smokers demographic characteristics and smoking-related behaviors. A hurdle count data model was used to assess factors associated with the times of past smoking cessation attempts. Results Among 1 798 male current smokers, 29.53% had at least one smoking cessation attempt. Smokers who were married (β=0.705, P=0.002), had high educational level (β=0.214, P=0.026) and had higher level of awareness of smoking risks (β=0.237, P=0.009) were more likely to have smoking cessation attempt. Young age at smoking initiation (β=-0.167, P=0.035) and higher level of awareness of smoking risks (β=0.146, P=0.020) were associated with increased smoking cessation attempts. Conclusions Less male current smokers had smoking cessation attemps in rural area in Shandong. The factors influencing smoking cessation attempt varied. It is necessary to conduct targeted intervention according to the smokers' smoking cessation experience.
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