Epidemiological characteristics of herpes zoster in Xicheng district of Beijing in 2019: based on the health information system of medical institutions
收稿日期:2021-07-06  出版日期:2021-12-16
中文关键词: 带状疱疹  并发症  流行特征
英文关键词: Herpes zoster  Complication  Epidemiological characteristics
王青海 北京市西城区疾病预防控制中心 100035 wuqingwqh@126.com 
周蔓 北京市西城区疾病预防控制中心 100035  
孙洪亚 北京市西城区疾病预防控制中心 100035  
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      目的 基于医疗机构就诊电子信息系统数据分析北京市西城区带状疱疹流行特征。方法 利用医疗机构病例就诊电子信息系统,收集2019年北京市西城区全部42家医疗机构带状疱疹病例进行回顾性调查。收集2019年北京市西城区全部医疗机构带状疱疹病例个人基本信息和诊疗信息。经查重后筛选出现住址为西城区的门诊病例,进行描述性分析。结果 首次就诊的门诊病例3 982例,年发病率为3.38‰(3 982/1 178 999)。男性和女性发病率分别为2.90‰(1 655/570 320)和3.82‰(2 327/608 679),发病率随年龄增长呈增高的趋势。1-12月均有发病。病例主要就诊于三级医院,就诊科室主要为皮肤科、中医科。首诊就诊病例的年龄(60.48±15.43)岁,在带状疱疹并发症的临床类型中,播散性带状疱疹病例的年龄(74.00±8.98)岁,外耳带状疱疹病例的年龄(54.32±15.73)岁。并发症位居前3位的分别为带状疱疹(82.65%,3 291/3 982)、带状疱疹后神经痛(10.37%,413/3 982)和伴其他神经系统并发症(4.37%,174/3 982)。结论 2019年北京市西城区带状疱疹门诊病例以≥ 50岁人群为主,女性的发病率高于男性。带状疱疹并发症中,以≥ 50岁、带状疱疹后神经痛为主。
      Objective Using data of health information system (HIS) of medical institutions to study epidemiological characteristics of herpes zoster in Xicheng district of Beijing.Methods To collect data of outpatient herpes zoster cases of all 42 medical institutions in 2019 based on HIS. After distinguishing the reduplicated cases, we organized these data for descriptive epidemiological analysis. Results A total of 3 982 primary outpatient cases were investigated, the estimated incidence was 3.38‰ (3 982/1 178 999). The incidence was 2.90‰ (1 655/570 320) for males and 3.82‰ (2 327/608 679) for females and with increasing trends with age. Herpes zoster occurred from January to December. These cases mainly visited tertiary hospitals, with central departments as dermatology and traditional Chinese medicine involved. For the first identified cases, the average age was (60.48±15.43) years old. The ages of disseminated herpes zoster patients was (74.00±8.98) years old, while the age of herpes zoster in the outer ear was (54.32±15.73) years old. The top three diseases were herpes zoster, post-herpetic neuralgia, and Herpes zoster with other neurological complications, with proportions as 82.65% (3 291/3 982), 10.37% (413/3 982), and 4.37% (174/3 982), respectively. Conclusions Most herpes zoster cases were more than 50 years old in Xicheng district of Beijing, with females have seen more than males. Complications commonly occurred among individuals more than 50 years old and with the most widely seen complication as post-herpetic neuralgia.
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