Overview of the ten global conferences on health promotion and implications for future work
收稿日期:2023-09-22  出版日期:2024-04-17
中文关键词: 健康促进大会  世界卫生组织  全球健康  健康中国
英文关键词: Global conference on health promotion  World Health Organization  Global health  Healthy China
孙美晨 西安交通大学全球健康研究院, 公共卫生学院, 西安 710061  
刘时雨 西安交通大学全球健康研究院, 公共卫生学院, 西安 710061  
魏炜 西安交通大学全球健康研究院, 公共卫生学院, 西安 710061
中国医科大学健康科学研究院, 沈阳 110122 
王子宁 北京大学新闻与传播学院, 北京 100871  
田向阳 中国健康教育中心, 北京 100011  
李立明 北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系, 北京 100191
北京大学公众健康与重大疫情防控战略研究中心, 北京 100191 
王友发 西安交通大学全球健康研究院, 公共卫生学院, 西安 710061 youfawang@gmail.com 
摘要点击次数: 1614
全文下载次数: 605
      Since 1986, the WHO has held ten global health promotion conferences covering various health promotion issues and sustainable development worldwide. These sessions have formed a series of consensus and actions that guide promoting health globally. This study analyzed the declarations, reports, and news materials from the ten conferences that studied health promotion action areas, focal topics, actor networks, partnership relationships, and other significant outcomes. It also explored how these conferences contributed to the construction and advancement of global health promotion consensus and actions. The first Global Conference on Health Promotion identified the concept of health promotion and five key action areas, laying the foundation for subsequent conferences and health promotion actions. Over the years, the ten conferences continuously expanded the essence of health promotion, developed partnership relationships, formulated public health promotion policies, and called for health promotion actions. This process culminated in the formation of global consensus and collective actions. The latter conferences have gained significant attention and influence. The conferences offer valuable insights for future global health promotion endeavors and provide global perspectives and pathways for the development of Healthy China.
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