| Volume 3,Issue 5,1982 Table of Contents
Contents | | | Preliminary Report of Establishing a Long-Standing Surveilance Point for Diseases | | 十三省市疾病监测协作组 | | 1982,3(5):257-260 [Abstract] [PDF(3.20 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Preliminary Report of the Characteristics of Pathogenesis & Clinical Manifestations of the Disease Measles Now-a-days | | 戴德生,王迎春,李彦卿,李春英,方文仙 | | 1982,3(5):261-262 [Abstract] [PDF(1.52 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Problems in Prophylactic Inoculation with Measles Vaccines at Present | | 苏万年,王树声,迮文远,赵铠 | | 1982,3(5):263-265 [Abstract] [PDF(2.44 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Epidemiologic Analysis of 72-Cases of Epidemic Pneumonitis With Obstructive Asthma | | 黎心开,袁怀安 | | 1982,3(5):266-267 [Abstract] [PDF(1.50 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Follow-up Survey With Letter-Inquiry on Lameness as a Sequela of poliomyelitis | | 赵惠霖,李杰,李其昌,王汉良 | | 1982,3(5):268-272 [Abstract] [PDF(3.82 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Investigation on Cases of Post-poliomyelitic Cripplings in the Eastern District of Beijing | | 北京市东城区疾病监测协作组 | | 1982,3(5):273-276 [Abstract] [PDF(2.86 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Preliminary Analysis on Variations of Intestinal Bacterial Flora During Diarrhoeae | | 张旭帆,李忠元,张秀琴,胡淑敏,刘秉阳 | | 1982,3(5):277-280 [Abstract] [PDF(2.99 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Preliminary Studies on Preparation of Dysenteric Vaccines With Bacillary Polysaccharide-protein Complex and Its Use in Human Herd Immunization | | 山东省淄博市防疫站,山东省卫生防疫站,博山区卫生防疫站,张店区卫生防疫站,山东省生物制品研究所,博山陶瓷厂职工医院,山东铝厂职工医院,解放军54813部队卫生队 | | 1982,3(5):281-285 [Abstract] [PDF(3.76 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Immunoglobulin M Antibody Response following Hepatitis A Viral Infection | | 张习坦,窦凤琴,朱明宝,吴小明,蒋豫图 | | 1982,3(5):286-288 [Abstract] [PDF(2.31 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Survey of Carriage of HBsAg by Cimex Lectularius, the Bedbugs of Temperate Zone | | 胡修元,刘光中,曹文英,严旭玲,薛平 | | 1982,3(5):289-290 [Abstract] [PDF(1.50 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Type Distribution of 1651 Strains of Salmonella and Analysis of Environmental Pollution Versus Occurrence of Salmenellosis among Human Population | | 罗兴祖,万绿波 | | 1982,3(5):291-293 [Abstract] [PDF(2.07 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Survey of 33 Cases of Quartan Malaria following Blood Transfusion | | 余惠霖,许主加 | | 1982,3(5):294-296 [Abstract] [PDF(2.35 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Studies on the Relationships between the Percentage of Microfilariae and the Microfilarial Density in Man and the Percentage of Filarial Larvae in the Mosquito Vector in M.bancrofti Endemic Area | | 何尚英,张君炎,刘海云,常顺康,徐振刚,李发彬,刘安民,谢传明,曹恒军,魏祥翥,田永年,施光明,张忠学,卞胜宜 | | 1982,3(5):297-299 [Abstract] [PDF(2.23 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Quantitative Epidemiologic Studies of Schistosomiasis Using the Estimated Number of Schistosoma Eggs in Feces as an Index of Infection | | 何尚英,李亚芳,刘惠生,许正元,冷秀兰 | | 1982,3(5):300-303 [Abstract] [PDF(3.08 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Gerbillis Leishmaniasis in the Desert of West ot Yellow River, Gansu Province | | 刘丕宗,管立人,李守信,于继岗,李庭恺,曹和洵,陈生邦 | | 1982,3(5):304-305 [Abstract] [PDF(1.57 M)] [Html FullText] | | |
Contents Review Contents Contents | | | 以狂犬疫苗及免疫血清应急注射预防狂犬病失败一例 | | 庞运湘,林刘南 | | 1982,3(5):265 [Abstract] [PDF(790.46 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 狂犬病人已死而伤人动物健康存活二例 | | 张仲炎 | | 1982,3(5):265 [Abstract] [PDF(790.46 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 藏北高原菌痢流行特征的分析 | | 杨永朝 | | 1982,3(5):272 [Abstract] [PDF(757.14 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 鹿群流行布鲁氏菌病的调查报告 | | 张惠东,齐广义 | | 1982,3(5):276 [Abstract] [PDF(765.94 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 常德地区九个基本消灭血吸虫病大队流行病学调查 | | 曹鸣魁,聂景新,殷乾纲 | | 1982,3(5):276 [Abstract] [PDF(765.94 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 水缸内放碘瓶防治地方性甲状腺肿试验观察 | | 献林 | | 1982,3(5):280 [Abstract] [PDF(750.59 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 皮上划痕布氏活菌苗误注肌肉引起发病的报告 | | 崔莳,矫吉祥,祝长秋 | | 1982,3(5):280 [Abstract] [PDF(750.59 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 毒饵匣持续灭鼠效果好 | | 詹绍琛,叶致余 | | 1982,3(5):293 [Abstract] [PDF(758.43 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 因婚宴集中感染鼠伤寒沙门氏菌引致爆发食物中毒111例 | | 钱本耀,庄志成 | | 1982,3(5):296 [Abstract] [PDF(750.45 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 脊髓灰质炎糖丸活疫苗过敏一例简报 | | 李衢安 | | 1982,3(5):299 [Abstract] [PDF(796.96 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 又一起炭疽流行的教训 | | 刘德斌,吴焕忠,徐俭,赵书凡 | | 1982,3(5):303 [Abstract] [PDF(744.23 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 一次志贺氏菌痢爆发流行简报 | | 张景星,宋旭 | | 1982,3(5):320-320,296 [Abstract] [PDF(1.53 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | 外观正常的小狗连续咬伤多人引发狂犬病 | | 何文秀 | | 1982,3(5):322 [Abstract] [PDF(746.80 K)] [Html FullText] | | |