蔡保健,李烽,刘学礼,严玉辰,孟庆海,李志仁,孔令雄.流行性出血热病毒的形态研究:Ⅰ 在人二倍体细胞内病毒繁殖的电镜观察[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1983,4(3):137-139
流行性出血热病毒的形态研究:Ⅰ 在人二倍体细胞内病毒繁殖的电镜观察
Studies on the Morphology of Epidemic Haemorrhagic Fever Ⅰ
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Author NameAffiliation
蔡保健 中国医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
李烽 中国医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
刘学礼 黑龙江省卫生防疫站 
严玉辰 中国医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
孟庆海 黑龙江省卫生防疫站 
李志仁 黑龙江省卫生防疫站 
孔令雄 中国医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
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English Abstract:
      EHF virus was detected by electron microscopy in ultrathin section of diploid cell lines of human embryonic lung (2BS).It appeared in spherical or elliptic form with envelope both intra and extracellularly.Particles localizing in cytoplasma and budding from cytoplasmic membrane and vesicles were observed.Two types of virions were found.The smaller type particles (110-150 nm in diameter) had a markedly electron-dense contents and the bigger type particles (120-160nm) were of moderate electron density. The maximum particles reached about 200nm and the minute one ranged from 80-100nm occasionally. EHF virus was much bigger than common Bunyavirus.It was similar to classical Bunyavirus in some respects, but quite different from Bunyavirus in other respects.
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