陈文才,车立刚,徐永言,杨恒林.云南省勐仑地区恶性疟原虫对氯喹敏感性的调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1983,4(4):211-214
Survey of the Susceptibility of PL. Falciparium to Chioroquine in Menglun Area; Yunnan Province
English Key Word: 
Author NameAffiliation
陈文才 云南省“恶性疟原虫抗氯喹株地理分布调查”协作组 
车立刚 云南省“恶性疟原虫抗氯喹株地理分布调查”协作组 
徐永言 云南省“恶性疟原虫抗氯喹株地理分布调查”协作组 
杨恒林 云南省“恶性疟原虫抗氯喹株地理分布调查”协作组 
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English Abstract:
      In order to find out thoroughly the geographical distribution of the presence of resistant strains of plasmodium falciparum to chloroquine in Menglun Area, Yunnan Province, a raicroquantitative in vitro assay, recomraeniled by WHO, was used to identify the sensitivity of this parasite to chloroquine,from 62 patients under treatment. They came from 24 residential quarters of nine production brigades of four people's communes at Jiaglioiig and Mengla counties, Menglun area, Xishuangbana. As a control, an investigation in vivo was simultaneously carried out in parallel with in vitro assay.lt was found that in the areas investigated, drug resistance was so strong and popular that chloroquine appeared to be unsuitable for routine therapy.Therapy with Artemisia extract or a combination of the antimalaria II pill and other drugs resulted in better efficacy in treating cases with resistant strains of P.falciparuni. The authors found that in vitro micro-assay for detecting resistant plasmodium as compared with the clinical-method seemed to be equally accurate, safe, convenient and rapid to yield result & practical for use.
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