北京市东城区疾病监测协作组,北京市东城区妇女保健所.北京市东城区七个地段新生儿出生体重的监测[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1984,5(2):85-87
Surveillance of Birth Weights in Seven Districts of East City, Beijing
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Disease Surveillance Collaboration Team of East city  
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      3,153 newborns were registered in seven districts neighbouring with Jiao Daokou district during the period from January to December 1982. Among them 2,575 had complete records of weight at birth and date of regestration, and 254 had incomplete records noting down the birth weight only.Altogether, these 2 groups covered 89.71% of all the cases under Study The infants of the former group were found to have an average weight of 3284.2±9.1 grams birth, while those of the later group an average weight of 3290.9±37.8 grams at birth.There was no significant difference in birth weight between these two groups. In addition, the average weight of imfants born at the 40th week of pregnancy was found to be 3313.2 ±13.7 grams.
Five per cent of the newborns were of low-weight (≤ 2500 grams). This 5% figure compares favourably with the 7~20% published by WHO in 1979 for Asia, Africa, Europe and North America.
None of the mothers under study was teenager. All of them had received quite satisfactory health care.
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