阳际群,魏玉琦,郝玲君,周莎宁,许炽标,邓志昌,陈文恺,钟惠澜,商德臣,陈玮莹,郑德生,乔建堂,李文静.白蛉的生态调查及灭蛉方法的探讨[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1984,5(2):100-103
Studies on the Ecology and Elimination Methods of Sandfly
English Key Word: 
Author NameAffiliation
Yang Jiqun 北京市卫生防疫站 
魏玉琦 北京市卫生防疫站 
郝玲君 北京市卫生防疫站 
周莎宁 北京市卫生防疫站 
许炽标 北京热带医学研究所 
邓志昌 北京热带医学研究所 
陈文恺 北京热带医学研究所 
钟惠澜 北京热带医学研究所 
商德臣 北京市密云县卫生防疫站 
陈玮莹 北京市密云县卫生防疫站 
郑德生 北京市密云县卫生防疫站 
乔建堂 北京市昌平县卫生防疫站 
李文静 北京市昌平县卫生防疫站 
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English Abstract:
      1.There were 4 species of sandflies in suburbs of Beijing,namely Sergentomyia squamirostris, Phlebo omus chinensis, S. khawi and P.mongolensis. The former 2 accounted for 46.7% and 44.3% of the sandfly population respectively,and the latter2 were Less. The density of sandflies inside the room within 24 hours was observed and its maximum hotur was at 23:oo.We found that the habitat of the vevctor sandfly, P.chinensis,had changed from domestic to semi-domestic or wild places.The entire time of activity for P.chinensis was about 4½months, and its peak in mid-June. Sandflies entirely disap-peared in plain areas of Beijing,but they were still Present in mountainous and hilly areas in suburbs of sBeijing, in some places the density could reach 230 andflies caught/person/hour.
2.In our studies, we found that Malathion and Sumithion were more effective in the elimination of sandflies and their effects may be kept for a longer duration.They are cheaper and smaller in dosage.In a period of 3-year observation in 6 communes in su burbs of Beijing,the expenses for insecticides and the density of sandflies have been being greatly re duced due to the widespread use of these 2 insecticides in endemic areas, hence they benefit the control of kala azar.
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