曾标成,林树军,林深,丘杰华,凌志忠,简永泉.湛江地区弓形体病初步调查报告[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1985,6(3):145-146
Preliminary Survey of Toxoplasmosis in Zhanjiang Region
English Key Word: 
Author NameAffiliation
Zeng Biaocheng 湛江地区卫生防疫站 
林树军 湛江地区兽医诊断室 
林深 湛江地区兽医诊断室 
丘杰华 湛江地区兽医诊断室 
凌志忠 湛江农业专科学校 
简永泉 湛江地区卫生防疫站 
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English Abstract:
      This paper describes a preliminary survey of toxoplasmosis in Zhanjlang region.Two strains of toxoplasma gondii were isolated from two blueear diseased swine in Ganglie Commune, Yangjiang county. Hemagglutination test was used in the examination of 96 samples of swine-serum, 8 of chicken-serum and 4 of goose-serum, collected in 5 counties and 2 cities. Positive reactions were found 19 (19.8%), 1 and 2,respectively.
A total number of 57 samples of human-serum were examined with the above method, 4 of which were positive(7.0%).Among the total samplescollected, 49 were from Zhanjiang region hospital but no positive result was found.The fact that positive reactions existing in 4 serum samples out of 8 obtained from personnel of 3 veterinary stations, showed that there was a connection between infection of toxoplasma gondii and this occupation.
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