李秉正,刘铁聪,李宏远,路福和.曲旋沼螺作为华支睾吸虫第一中间宿主的新发现[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1985,6(4):199
A discovery of Parafossarulus Longispiralis as the first intermediate host of Clonochis sinensis
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Author NameAffiliation
Li Bingzheng 中国医科大学寄生虫学教研组 
刘铁聪 中国医科大学寄生虫学教研组 
李宏远 吉林省海龙县卫生防疫站 
路福和 吉林省海龙县卫生防疫站 
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      Three species of fresh water snails,Parafossarulus striatulus, Bithynia Kiusiuensis and a new species were obtained in a pond near the He-sheng production brigade, Hailong county, Jilin. This county has been known as an epidemiological district of C. sinensis. Cercarie of C. sinensis were found not only in Parafossarulus striatulus but also in the new species. Infection rate of cercarie was 0.3% and 3.0%, respectively. The new species is long ovate-shaped. The height of spiral shell is 15.2-16.9mm, and the width 7.7-8.3mm.
This new species has been identified by Comrade Liu Yue-ying of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, and given the name Parafcssarulus anomalo spiralis. As an intermediate host of Clonorchis sinensis it was discovered for the first time.
English Abstract:
      Three species of fresh water snails,Parafossarulus striatulus, Bithynia Kiusiuensis and a new species were obtained in a pond near the He-sheng production brigade, Hailong county, Jilin. This county has been known as an epidemiological district of C. sinensis. Cercarie of C. sinensis were found not only in Parafossarulus striatulus but also in the new species. Infection rate of cercarie was 0.3% and 3.0%, respectively. The new species is long ovate-shaped. The height of spiral shell is 15.2-16.9mm, and the width 7.7-8.3mm.
This new species has been identified by Comrade Liu Yue-ying of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, and given the name Parafcssarulus anomalo spiralis. As an intermediate host of Clonorchis sinensis it was discovered for the first time.
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