洛阳地区流行性出血热科研协作组.家鼠型流行性出血热传染源的调查研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1985,6(4):227-229
Survey of the Sources of Infection with the House-rat Variety of Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever
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The Cooperative Survey Group of Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever, Luo-yang Area  
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English Abstract:
      Survey on the role of Rattus norvegicus was carried out in two survey spots in Xinan County of Henan Province from October, 1981, to January, 1984. it was found that R. norvegicus was the predominant species of house rodents in the studied are as (57.9-81.4%), and the highest virus carrying rate was demonstrated among this rodent (87.0% of all EHF virus carrier rodents). No positive result could be found among 359 Apodemus agrarius,the predominant species of field rodents in the studied areas (62.7). The seasonal fluctuation of EHF virus carrying rate in R. norvegicus apparently paralleled with that of the incidence of human EHF. It was thus concluded that the chief source of infection for humans was R. norvegicus and Apodemus mice apparently was not evidenced to implicate in the transmission of EHF virus in the case.
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