黄文洲,罗曼珍,潘嘉云.应用抗白蛋白单价免疫血清作对流免疫电泳鉴定蚊胃血血源[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1985,6(5):300-303
Application of Monovalent Antiserum against Albumin in Counterimmunoelectrophoresis
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Author NameAffiliation
Huang Wenzhou 中国预防医学中心寄生虫病研究所 
罗曼珍 中国预防医学中心寄生虫病研究所 
潘嘉云 中国预防医学中心寄生虫病研究所 
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      以抗白蛋白单价免疫血清作对流免疫电泳试用于蚊胃血血源的鉴定,以抗全血清免疫血清作对照。抗原为1:500~1:4000,检出全数抗原标本所需最低抗血清的浓度前者为1:64,后者为l:2~1:4。抗血清为≤ 1:4,检出最低的抗原浓度前者为1:8000,后者为1:1000~1:4000。以1:16和1:32稀释度抗白蛋白血清作对流免疫电泳,鉴定276份离体吸羊血及1,145和1,329份现场采集的中华按蚊胃血标本,以1:16抗全血清免疫血清作环状沉淀试验同时对比。结果两种方法的阳性检出率离体吸羊血标本均为100%,现场标本分别为46%及91%。两法检测的结果相一致。证明以抗白蛋白单价免疫血清作对流免疫电泳是鉴定蚊胃血血源的又一有效方法。
English Abstract:
      Counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIEP) with monospecific antiserum against serum albumin (MASA) was tried to identify the host source of mosquito blood meals.The antiserum against whole serum (AS) was used as control.The lowest concentration of MASA for the detection of antigens at 1:500-1:4,000 was 1:64, while that of AS was 1:2-l:4.with MA SA at the dilution ≤ l:4, the lowest detectable concentration of antigen was found to be 1:8,000, while with AS,1:1,000-1:4,000.276 blood meal specimens from Anopheles sinensis fed fresh sheep blood through a membrane and two lots of specimens (1,145 and 1,329 samples respectively) collected from field were examined by CIEP with 1:16 and 1:32 diluted MASA and by precipitin ring test (PRT) with 1:16 AS at the same time. The positive rates of fed specimens were both 100% while that of two lots of field specimens were 46% and 91% respectively.The results of the two methods were in good agreement. Authors suggested CIEP with MASA was proved to be another effective method for identification of mosquito blood meals.
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