董天义,柴兰芳,吕临祥,孙朴,王庆元,王秉焜,邓址.抗凝血剂持久毒饵盒防制列车鼠患的效果观察[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1985,6(5):304-306
The Effect of Permanent Bait Boxes Containing Anticoagulants in Rodent Control in the Trains
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Author NameAffiliation
Dong Tianyi 军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所 
柴兰芳 郑州铁路局中心卫生防疫站 
吕临祥 郑州铁路局中心卫生防疫站 
孙朴 郑州铁路局中心卫生防疫站 
王庆元 郑州铁路局中心卫生防疫站 
王秉焜 郑州铁路局中心卫生防疫站 
邓址 军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所 
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English Abstract:
      People used to put acute rodenticide baits on the floor of the car for rodent control in the passenger trains. This technic, however, failed to control the pests.Since April 1982, the authors carried out a series of studies to eradicate rodent infestation in six trains of the Zhengzhou Railway Bureau by using cardboard bait boxes (rectangular and reversal trapezoid shaped) containing anticoagulants, warfarin at 0.025% or diphacinone Na-salt at 0.025%.The rodent infestations in these trains were controlled when the boxes containing the baits held in the covered places of the car for 2-4 weeks, followed by an additional replenishment of bait once every three days. After the control established the baits in the boxes were replaced every three months.Up to the end of March 1983,effectiveness of eradication had been maintained for 8-10 months. It is concluded that the permanent bait boxes containing warfarin or diphacinone Nasalt can effectively eradicate rodent infestation in the trains.
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