邓化芳,马尔瞻,刘晓晖,李军,星炎.应用染色菌液微量法测百日咳抗体[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1986,7(4):240-242
The Microtiter Agglutination Test for Detection of Pertussis Antibody by Using Stained Bacterial Suspeusion
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Author NameAffiliation
Deng HuaFang Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Ministry of Public Health, Wuhan 
马尔瞻 卫生部长春生物制品研究所 
刘晓晖 Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Ministry of Public Health, Wuhan 
李军 Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Ministry of Public Health, Wuhan 
星炎 Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Ministry of Public Health, Wuhan 
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English Abstract:
      This paper described a microtechnique for determination of pertussis agglutinin. Comparison of microtechnique with tube agglutination method, identical titres were obtained. This microtechnique showed many advantages, it required only a small amount of test serum (0.025 or 0.01ml). Bacterial suspension was stained with methylene blue, which ensured that read the titres easily. This method was reproducible well and it could be processed, large numbers of samples with minimum requirements on glassware and material, time and labour were saved. These Suggested that the improved microtechnique could be used as a tool for epidemiological, immunological surveillance of whooping cough.
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